SOCHI Olympics 2014

by designs 18 Replies latest social current

  • GLTirebiter

    Canadian hockey was awesome, total domination of the field. The best team won, no doubt about it.

  • Heaven
  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    One day I may move to Canada. It truly is an awesome country. Hello to all my Canadian friends!

  • skeeter1

    Really, a great Olympics in many ways. Happy it turned out safe & sound for everyone. Watching the closing ceremonies right now. The best opening and closing I've ever seen.

    The real take-away from these games is that people are mad at the new figure skating scoring system. So mad, that over 2,000,000 people have SIGNED A PETITION at the White House's "WWW.CHANGE.GOV" website, the International Skating Union (ISU) webpage 'Contact Us" has gone down, and Korea is protesting. Apparently, the judges selected for the ladies night were mainly from Soviet Block countries, one judge had been banned before due to improper conduct, and another judge is married to the Soviet skating federation's president. The new scoring completely thows out two scores at random, and then throws out the remaining top and bottom score of the 7 remaining judges. So, one's score is as much of a chance as landing a quad jump. To me, that seems very unfair after one has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, and sweat getting to the Olympics! I see why Ashley Wagner, the figure skater, was also complaining about the scoring system. It stinks.

    If you want to read more or sign the petition, go to:

    This figure skating petition is the largest petition ever received at I mean, with Healthcare, Deficit, Foreign Wars . . . and we Americans care more about the figure skaters. Seems scewed to me. But, several wrongs don't make a right. Gosh, they are showing the Korean figure skater on the ceremony. We have to start somewhere with correcting the wrongs.

  • Simon

    I don't really care about Hockey that much but ... well, when it involves beating America it's special.

  • prologos

    How about Norway, very small, together with Holland in the painfull moving - on - your own power sports, not like the double men's luge.

    outstanding work in the sports with air time, a canada strong too.

    a great experience; the next Olympiade has begun, let's start training.

  • skeeter1

    You Canadians sent us Justin Beiber. Now you have to beat us at hockey AND rub it in. Watch out or we will send back Justin. Hell, we'll throw in Tom Cruise too on that plane ride back (raised in Canada).

  • Heaven

    You keep the Biebs... we have Rob Ford.

  • Heaven

    So if the NHL doesn't want their players in the Olympics, I'm good with the Juniors signing up.

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