SOCHI Olympics 2014

by designs 18 Replies latest social current

  • designs

    How is everyone enjoying the Olympics.

    Any favorites.

    Swiss cross country skier "Super" Dario Cologna nailed a rush to the Finish Line for the Gold in the Skiathlon.

    Jamie Andersen had a great run in the Slopestyle competition and Sage Kostenberg with his new 1620 Japan air trick to win Gold will be a film highlight for a long time to come.

    The Dutch went 1 2 3 in speed skating.

  • MrFreeze

    I don't have any of the sub-NBC channels so I catch what I can when I can. Really looking forward to men's hockey.

  • Miss.Fit

    Shawn White didn't medal.

  • designs

    Padladtchikov had the ride of his life, nailed his air tricks.

  • prologos

    It is amazing to see the slope-style and other athletes spending so much 'air' time in zero gravity.

    It is very sad that they could not have a quick fix for the too short landing area. Any athlete with too little momentum, the small ladies, were in peril.

    On the regular networks, too much talk. not enough broad coverage.

    the greatest show in the snow.

    For jws, watching watch towerites, perhaps

    'after the thousand years have ended', the 'nations at the four corners of the earth' could stage olympics by 'perfect' athletes, before the final attack. perfection, playing the glorious national anthems of old.

  • DesirousOfChange



    It's pre-empting some a little bit of good TV (if there is such a thing).


  • Heaven
  • jgnat
  • cofty

    I've enjoyed it. So many ways of falling down a mountain with style.

  • Finkelstein

    Very proud to be Canadian today, we won the gold in hockey and made the top countries for over all medals,

    in spite of being one of smallest populated countries of 35 million in the games.


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