What are you doing on Valentine's? I was invited to a party... er... a JC

by ILoveTTATT 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT

    So I go to that dinner with my parents. It worked great! I think I increased my mom's cog dis just by showing her I am the same good person, and having fun. We talked about any other topic, but not religion.

    I think I discovered another aspect of my mom's real personality: She would like me to have a comfortable lifestyle. We discussed my career path, and she recommended me to go to another position that pays more... We talked about plans for the future for myself...

    Her real self would like me to do what "normal" people do. I am glad her real self loves me.

    The problem was, they gave me my mail that I have received for the past two weeks. One letter was an "invitation" to a JC... on the 14th!!

    I was wondering if I should ask for a delay. I was advised by friends who are not JW's to postpone the JC as much as possible, and when it can't be postponed anymore, THEN not go. Meanwhile, try to hang out with mom and dad as much as possible, and have lots and lots of fun, to increase the cog dis. Reinforce on my mom the idea that I won't go crazy doing drugs or smoking or things of that nature. (I simply disagree with 99% of Watchtower teachings).

    I think of this song...


    "Sure, brother elder (insert all sorts of expletives) who wants to destroy my family, let's set my JC for the 30th of February, 2199"!!

  • sspo

    Did the elders tell you the reason for the Jmeeting?

  • ILoveTTATT

    For "supposed apostacy, deliberately spreading teachings contrary to Biblical truth (I just puked a little here) taught by Jehovah's Witnesses"

  • LostGeneration

    Need more details, what's it for?

    Apostasy? WHo is your accuser? Is it all online evidence? Hundreds of ways you can go but let us know.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    How did you get outed?

  • ILoveTTATT

    I told a girl months ago that the JW's had changed the Bible, then the second witness was my mom when I exploded last week. I was trying to tell her hints about how she was being controlled (by watching the Truman Show)...

    she went the next day to the elders...

  • cantleave

    I will be flying back to the UK from Los Angeles.

    An 11 hr flight is still preferable to a JC.

  • happy@last

    You'll experience no love that day! I like your friends, postpone it, delay it, or even ask if it is actually required and say you are a little stressed just now (that could explain your little explosion at your mum).

  • jgnat

    I love that song. You sound so much more empowered than a few months ago. Just speculating here, but I'm wondering if the elders were intending to use your JC as "evidence" against your friends.

    Leave them spinning in the wind.

    Great insights in to your mom. The two of you are so passionate. Surely love will win over the cold, clinical WTS.

  • ILoveTTATT

    So... yeah what should I tell the elders as to the reason why I want to postpone?

    I should have a specific time and date too... for it to be postponed.

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