Why JWs would commit murder if ordered to by the GB

by kneehighmiah 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    Shirley- I see where you are trying to connect the dots, still asking or commanding followers to commit actual murder is a really big stretch. In my decades as a JW the Jehu story was used and I remember COs saying how we should hate other Religions and Apostates. But, we were never told to vandalize Churches or to physically harm a Df'd person, that is not discounting the mental and emotional harm done with their shunning policy. It was the teaching while I was in that we were not to participate in Armageddon, that it was the angels, 144,000 and Jesus duty to kill off humanity.

    There are religious groups who directly instruct their members to harm those they consider enemies- certain factions within Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Those I consider a more present and direct threat to my freedoms and liberties.

    For those who feel these articles are pushing JWs into a new and violent direction take the article and ask those you meet if they see it this way and what they would do if so directed by the current GB. You may find some who would take the final step of murder, religion has that crazy effect on people.

    Without projections like this there are certainly enough factual and proven issues to engage any JW on without resorting to the Chicken Little, "the sky is falling", scenario.

  • kneehighmiah

    Designs, I'm not predicting anything. I'm just saying the potential exists for good people to do horrible things due to social pressure and uncritical obedience. I love football, but I've seen how an overbearing coach and the desire to not appear weak can cause high school players to push themselves to death in hot weather. It happens every year during the hottest preseason practices. All I'm saying is that IF the GB were to demand it, some would follow. As an active witness I know how we've already been conditioned to view enemies as deserving of death. The GB is demanding unquestioning obedience. Think of the listen, obey and be blessed earworm. Does that song encourage critical thinking? Or the directive for elders to obey and be decisive?

    More hideous crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than in the name of rebellion.

  • designs

    kneehigh- I hear you, and obviosly I left the Org. for teachings I thought they promoted as dangerous. Nothing is worse than losing a family member to the blood issue.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    designs: asking or commanding followers to commit actual murder is a really big stretch.


    I agree, and I was not suggesting that WT will one day move in that direction. However, other cults/groups in recent history were also viewed as non-violent, benign---'harmless'-- and things abruptly changed with tragic results.

    David Koresh and Jim Jones are two examples. In fact, when Jim Jones began his cult, they were looked on quite favorably by outsiders, and the way things culminated (the suicide of 900 members) was the furthest thing from anyone's mind.


    designs: Without projections like this there are certainly enough factual and proven issues to engage any JW on without resorting to the Chicken Little, "the sky is falling", scenario.


    Agreed. I would not even consider asking a JW this question.

    Being that the GB is escalating their demands for blind obedience, however, nothing is out of the realm of possibility. Stranger things have happened, and JWs are not immune to the chinks in human psychology and manipulation instigated by their religious tyrant leadership.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I would add this quote to my comments above. How many atrocities and unthinkable acts in history have been performed by otherwise "good" people?


    "Men, in order to do evil, must first believe that what they are doing is good." --Alexander Solzhenitsyn


    WT has convinced 8 million JWs that shunning their family is a good thing. What's next?

  • designs

    Shirley- Thanks, I don't have to approach any JW with a 'what if' scenario. I can honestly approach any JW and say why I am not with them anymore- your blood doctrine cost the life of my father, and I am shunned by friends I knew for 40+ years.

  • kneehighmiah

    As Shirley said, JWs are not immune to human psychology. That was my whole point. We already justify cruel and destructive behavior. I once did myself.

  • NewYork44M

    Being a co-conspirator in the organization's policy certainly fits the classification of committing murder. I wonder if this weighs heavy on the consciences of those of the blood liaison committee members?

    Parents that allow their children to die becuas of following the directives of the GB related to blood are guilty of murder.

    I think it is pretty clear that many are willing to kill for their allegiance to the GB.

  • designs

    NY44M- Yes I knew friends who's children died because of the blood issue. One woman I'd known since we were teens literally lost her mind over the loss of her daughter.

  • kneehighmiah

    I had a friend cut me off for "questioning the GB. " We are encouraged to cut off association with such ones in this month's study edition. The mentality is there. I'm not predicting or projecting anything. Just saying that JWs are no different than other people and many would do whatever the GB asks including murder.

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