Creationism or evolution, or do I believe in god

by moley 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    This is the greatest example I can find of very smart men NITPICKING to the point of stupidity, hubris, and mental aberration.

    Feast your eyes and ears.

  • NewYork44M

    Here is my perspective - for what it is worth. I would love to debate the scriptures, I just don't believe them anymore. However, I am not sure I am "cool" enough to be an atheist, nor do I have time to formulate any specific beliefs. At the end, my general feeling is that I got my own stinkin problems and really don't have time to solve the problems of the cosmos.

    If that is a cop-out, so be it.

  • Phizzy

    Designs ! a "Militant Atheist" a ? I shall be labelled a "Militant Non-golfer" soon no doubt.

    As to all the big questions of the Universe, if that is not a mis-nomer, there may well be multi-verses, I am happy to listen to theories and examine new discoveries. I will not waste time on non-sensical beliefs, which are unproven.

    What Terry is advocating is really the Atheist's wager, much more sensible than Pascal's, and is my thinking too, but coupled with Cofty's caveat, I feel compelled to continue learning and thinking.

    As to the GB/WT mindset on things this quote is good :

    " The trouble with the World is that the stupid are cocksure, and the intelligent are full of doubt". Bertrand Russell.

  • prologos

    Before coming here and reading great posts like Terry's, I did not know such really good thoughts on jw-wt condition & topics can be formulated, so your time in confinement was to our benefit, thank you Terry, but

    I disagree with the idea that exploring the BIG questions, The Movement through TIME, the mechanism of creation, The emergence of LIFE, the errancy of the Bible, and it's supporters, are futile. These Topics remain of extreme interest to me. but

    That may be so, because in my fading phase of life, I am satified to have done the mundane things lesser questions amount to.

    have raised offspring, helped to make work an easier chore, coined at least one new term, at least one new laugh, at least one recognised important new idea (or two). so:

    Thank you for those "getting to the bottom it*" threads. However,

    When these exchanges descend into petty "I am winning the DEBATE" on points, I can not cope with this so you must be ignorant----, kind of outburst, I agree with Terry's advice.

    *turtles all the way down.

  • designs

    "Scientific knowledge advances haltingly and is stimulated by contention and doubt" Claude Levi-Strauss

  • Terry

    I am limited in intelligence and education.

    I have to pick and choose wisely what things I can afford to devote

    considerable time to trying to "understand."

    I simply don't have the intellectual capacity for a debate about evolution.

    I know the Scopes (Monkey) Trial over Evolution being taught in school was in 1925.

    89 years later people are still fighting the SAME BATTLE!

    Except for one thing. . .the tables have turned in the battle.

    I prefer to declare 'I'm ignorant.' That way my opinion doesn't count.

    I think there are more believable facts in the scientific argument. But, that's just my general impression.

  • cofty

    The resources available to the public is amazing. Writers like Nick Lane, Jerry Coyne, Sean B Carroll, Richard Dawkins and others haave made inofrmation available to the non-specialist that was unthinkable a few years ago.

    There are even some brilliant podcasts that you can download and listen to while you work. Check out Dr Zach Moore Evolution 101 series.

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