Almost a JW

by JesseS 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • JesseS

    I have never been a JW. In fact, I've never set foot inside a KH. My parents began studying in the early 70s, before I was born. It stuck with my father, not so much with my mother. By the time I was born, my mother was done with it, and my father had been baptized.

    He worried constantly about my life and that of my brother. I believe he though his actions would sanctify us all. I remember once, in grade school, he told my mother he was taking me and leaving, she would never see us again. After a fight, he left and I stayed.

    Later on, he spent some time in mental institutions. Mostly for depression, one doctor thought he might be schizophrenic. When I was in junior high, his boss came to my mother's school, where she worked, and said Dad had locked himself in his truck, wouldn't come out. He quit his job shortly thereafter, gave his life savings, about $80,000 at the time (this was the mid 90s), to the WBTS, and began living in his truck, or with his parents whenever they would have him. He lived in a tent, on some public land, for three years. He once fasted for 40 days, didn't eat meat for years. He eventually found someone that let him live on their land, in an old trailer, in exchange for manual labor around the place. Since 1994, he has been pioneering full time, only he walks from house to house, and refuses to ride in cars.

    My father is the smartest man I know. I'm not saying that facetiously; he holds degrees in poliical science and mechanical engineering, as well as a teaching certificate. To this day, he works physics problems in his spare time for fun.

    I went to see him the other day. He caught me at a bad time. He preached to me, like he has my whole life. I was focused on work, hadn't been paying enough attention to my wife and kids. In short, I was focused on myself above all. He told me if I continue on the path I'm on, my children would certainly die.

    I came home, terrified. I don't know why this time his words stuck. I've heard them for 30 years. I read Franz's books, scoured the internet. I found some relief. I know the WBTS is full of lies. But it has that well documented ring of truth. I picked up my bible and read.

    I think I was looking for reassurance that I could go on living my life in the way that pleased me, without giving any thought to the one who created me. I didn't find that.

    In the past three months, I've given more thoughts to things eternal than I have in a long time. I'm tired of living for myself. In brief moments of clarity, I grasp what it means to live for Christ Jesus; other thoughts seem to fade away. Work isn't as consuming, travel plans aren't as interesting. The plans I have to fill out my three score and ten pale in comparison to the love that someone who never met me has shown. That is the good news, and I see why people would want to share it.

    But doubts remain. I love my father, and like all sons, I think I will always seek his approval. I know I'll never get it, but still...

    The above is an incomprehensive account of my life as it relates to JWs, pecked away on a keyboard late at night in a matter of minutes. There are many more facets and details. I don't know exactly why I'm posting; I never have before. I don't have any particular questions, I don't know if I'm even seeking feed back. I just know this is something I want to say, and this community, at its best, seems like the place to say it.

    Thank you for listening.

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome JesseS, you may have some residual BITE control indoctrination from childhood that you may want to investigate. Have you read Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling Peopel, Cults and Beliefs"), visited his website, and/or watched his videos on his website. If you don't have a lot of time, you may want to watch the following video to understand more how the WTBTS's BITE control indoctrination can adversely affect a person emotionally: Strategic Interactive Approach explained 2003 (1:23:23).

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • AudeSapere

    Ahh... *NOW* there is a reply box for me....


    Jesse - First of all, Welcome to JWN. Really nice to have you join us. And even nicer to have such a nice intro. I think most of us understand where you are with this family situation. At least from the JW side. The other excentricities of your dad, we probably have lesser insight to that aspect.

    Secondly, I am so very interested in the comment you made about your dad telling you that you and your children will die. (I forget your exact words.) I was captivated by that phrase because for the past 90 minutes I've been trying to find a way to respond to my inactive, but still believing former acquaintance from my old hall. She sent me a text in hopes that we could talk as her ex-husband has been telling her the same thing: She, their girls and the 2 grandchildren will die because she does not attend meetings. She is having tremendous anxiety over this. So your comment in your post was fascinating to me.

    Welcome again. I look forward to hearing more of your story.

    AudeSapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)

  • LisaRose

    I am sorry you have been put through this. Your father is mentally ill. I think it is time you acknowledge this. Don't buy in to his illness, this is a cult. You sound competent, smart and able to see through this. Trust your gut feeling, you cannot do anything about him, save yourself.

  • Comatose

    Welcome Jesse! It's really nice to have you. My parents and sibling are still JW. I was for 36 years of my life. I left last year after realizing that it was all based on lies. I know the fear and guilt can be hard to deal with. But take courage. You have your life ahead if you. :) if I might suggest, can you find a way to give back to humanity through volunteering in a non religious way? I find that has been very soothing for me.

    I'm glad you joined. Welcome. I hope you post more in the future. You have a great writing ability.

  • Xanthippe

    Welcome Jesse, it sounds like you are having existential anxiety. You are thinking about you're own mortality and what is the point of life. Don't be drawn into this cult, it doesn't have any answers. Perhaps it's that time in your life to find out how we got here and if there is a god and a holy book worthy of following? Please don't be guilted into doing anything, feeling that you are being 'selfish'. Studying how life got here on earth and finding your own meaning to it all could surely be the best thing you can do for your family because it will make you more content and nicer to have around.

  • Bruja-del-Sol

    Hi Jesse, welcome to JWN! I'm so sorry for you to have these feelings, but the only thing I thought while reading your story was that you've been 'programmed' by your dad's behaviour in the past. How old was he when he joined the JW's and started to have doubts about the life he led up until then? And how old are you now? Maybe you can see a comparison here.

    Always remember that you are living YOUR life, not your dad's! So you are allowed, or obligated if you will, to make YOUR decisions even if they're totally different than what your father did. Don't step into the trap of starting to live your dad's life by repeating what he did, by thinking that feelings you've sort of 'adopted' of him are yours... they're most likely NOT yours, they're your father's, put in your head ever since you were a child! Don't believe these thoughts, make up your own by reading new things (the Steve Hassan books are a great start, you'll recognize an awful lot in them!) and exploring the world yourself.

    And like others already said, please stay away from the JW-cult. They're no help at all, they'll only make things worse. And you may not believe it, but I'm certain that even if you became a JW your father would keep on telling you how bad you are. That has nothing to do with you, it says ALL about HIM and his mindset. Stay away from that mindset, harness yourself mentally when you meet your dad, because complaining and negative mindsets are contagious and bring you nothing.

    I'm wishing you all the best and really hope you'll find some better feelings and thoughts to make life more valuable. And keep posting here, there are lots of people who are willing to 'listen' to whatever you want to share and also lots of people with experiences like yours to comfort and help you!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hi Jessie. Welcome to the forum

    I came home, terrified. I don't know why this time his words stuck. I've heard them for 30 years.

    If you take the time to analyse the JW literature your Dad was reading 30 years ago, you will find that what he was telling you regarding the time frame for the arrival of the Watchtower's Armageddon has passed it's use by dates without any angry gods showing up to demonstrate that the leaders of the Watchtower are not just a bunch of nutters. My Dad has been telling me this stuff for 60 years, and his earliest predictions are so far out of whack with what actually occurred that he has to lie to me to pretend he didn't make a mistake by signing up with a bunch of loonies when he was just a kid.

  • mynameislame

    I think I was looking for reassurance that I could go on living my life in the way that pleased me, without giving any thought to the one who created me. I didn't find that.

    In the past three months, I've given more thoughts to things eternal than I have in a long time. I'm tired of living for myself. In brief moments of clarity, I grasp what it means to live for Christ Jesus; other thoughts seem to fade away. Work isn't as consuming, travel plans aren't as interesting. The plans I have to fill out my three score and ten pale in comparison to the love that someone who never met me has shown. That is the good news, and I see why people would want to share it.

    I think those are just feelings of growing older. Or maybe it is a shift peoples attitude in general. Wouldn't that be nice. Look at all the old rich people starting to give away their fortunes. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett to name a couple. I saw an episode of 60 minutes where they are starting a club of sorts to encourage other rich people to do the same.

    It does NOT mean you need to become a JW! Honestly I think the JW religion is one of the most selfish religions around. They rarely do anything for anyone even other JWs. And the only reason they do anything at all is because they think they will be buying themselves a ticket to the new system.

  • wasblind

    Hello Jesse, and Welcome

    Even smart people like your father can get trapped in a cult

    and fooled into thinkin' it's all for thier salvation. When in reality

    they are bein' used by a group of men who boldly claim

    not to be inspired


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