What happened to Lars58 and many other Bible Scholars?

by RottenRiley 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    People are welcome to share their opinions but we're not here to be a publishing site for continuous crazy theories which are simply the manifestation of mental illnes, drug use or both.

    (that doesn't apply to Leolaia of course in case anyone misinterprets things!)

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    ...we're not here to be a publishing site for continuous crazy theories which are simply the manifestation of mental illnes

    You mean like jw.org is?

  • RottenRiley

    JW.ORG "We Don't Shun Anyone" to "We don't shun weak JWs who don't attend meetings". Notice how the Looney Toons (not fair to Bugs and Daffy) Organization evades the question and usually almost always distracts from the issue at hand. We know Lars58 needs help to cope with his Tour-de-Watchtower, don't we all need help after that PTSD religon.

    I need to tell you later how the new DSM-Volume explains how religious groups create PTSD, it's not published yet but you will enjoy how Prophets and Fake Bible Scholars can cause people to get P.T.S.D. Syndome, it's gonna blow your mind!

  • Fencing

    The problem with Lars is that it was impossible to have a good, valuable thread going here about 607 BCE without him immediately jumping in and posting 30,000 word replies filled with insane rantings and nonsense, which would throw the whole discussion off into fantasy land because some people just couldn't resist treating his arguments as serious and engaging with him. Which would spawn additional 30,000 word replies of nonsense and render the thread unreadable. And this literally happened with EVERY THREAD that dealt with WT dates and discussions thereof.

  • cantleave

    Watchtower scholar? Watchtower has no scholars.

  • wallsofjericho

    I'm so happy lars has taken a break from hijacking threads with lunacy

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The new DSM-V is published and being used. I saw a paperback copy in a doctor's office the other day.
    I was so afraid of demons growing up. Never saw or heard from one. I get confused. My one trip to a Pentecostal church terriried me enough for 5 zillion life times. It made KH feel safe. Classmates were banging their heads against chairs, shreiking, and pulling large sections of hair out of their scalps.

    Leo was clearly not in that group. I skimmed most of her posts b/c I don't need the detailed Bible information. Also, I can't read long posts. I need to read a regular book. They were informational. The others were preaching all the time. I would read the same content hundreds of times. One informed me I must believe which is what the brothers said at KH.

    Someone will appear. I find the forum more peaceful b/c those crazies made me nervous. There is good scholarship here. I just wish people would not start lecturing as though the ideas were their own. Please reference sources of information. Perhaps another member is interested in your ideas but can't do any further research b/c you are claiming intellectual credit for another's work. An introductory phrase to cuts and pastes would also be nice. Why should I waste my time viewing a YouTube video or reading a long post that violates copyright law. I would like to know why you found it meaningful.

    Frankly, I suspect there is better scholarship on the Internet. I am here primarily to see what other people born-in experienced. Bible history is a hot seller now. I have access to university libraries. What do you think about some author's work?

  • fulltimestudent

    Band on the Run:

    Frankly, I suspect there is better scholarship on the Internet. I am here primarily to see what other people born-in experienced. Bible history is a hot seller now. I have access to university libraries. What do you think about some author's work?

    You may like Brent Nongbri's research

    You could find him through: https://mq.academia.edu/BrentNongbri

    His overview:

    I am a post doctoral research fellow at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. My academic interests include the study of ancient Mediterranean cultures (with special attention to early Christians) and methodological problems in the study of religion.

    My first book, Before Religion: A History of a Modern Concept, is a genealogy of the idea of religion. Since no ancient language has a term or concept that neatly maps on to what most modern people mean when they say "religion," I have attempted to provide an account of how religion came into being as sphere of life distinct (or at least ideally distinct) from other realms, such as politics, economics, and science. The book demonstrates that groups often described as "ancient religions" (for example, followers of Jesus, Mani, and Muhammad) actually identified themselves and were identified by outsiders in rather different terms. I then consider the birth of the study of these so-called ancient religions and reflect on the ways in which such study naturalizes the concept of religion to make it appear universal and necessary.

    My current research centers on early Christian Greek literary papyri. I am reassessing the dates assigned to these papyri and examining the social history of the publication of the papyri in the early 20th century.

    I have previously served as a visiting assistant professor at Oberlin College and as a lecturer at Yale University.

    I went to one talk he gave at MU in which he described the technical (?) methods used to date early documents in his area of interest. Quite interesting! I'll probbly

    I'll probably be checking out his research a lot more this year.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    It sounds interesting to me. Thanks.

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