How does anxiety affect your heart rate?

by Splash 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Splash

    -- w54 4/15 p. 233 Scriptural Aspect of Psychosomatic Medicine --
    "Doctors have found also that anxiety slows down the heart beat as much as 27 beats a minute. The Bible shows that “men become faint out of fear” and the heart may stop.—Luke 21:26 (men become faint out of fear)"

    -- "Exploring ways to reduce stress and improve health" from Psychology Today 2009. by Jay Winner, M.D. --
    "In his thoughtful post, Dr. Steven Hayes discussed (among other things) an episode in which he felt his heart race. Feeling your heart race, or palpitations, is a very frequent symptom of anxiety."

    Out of these two authorities, whom do you most agree with?


  • gma-tired2

    My Dr. said recently that many suffering from anxiety end up in the ER thinking they are having a heart attack.

  • ?evrything

    The latter is true for me. My heart sometimes double what it should be if I am suffering from anxiety and several times I thought I was having a heart attack. I've been diagnosed with GAD.


    -- w54 4/15 p. 233 Scriptural Aspect of Psychosomatic Medicine --
    "Doctors have found also that anxiety slows down the heart beat as much as 27 beats a minute. The Bible shows that “men become faint out of fear” and the heart may stop.—Luke 21:26 (men become faint out of fear)"

    There is No End to the Stupid Things the WBT$ Say`s..


    ............When I`m Scared Shitless,It Totally..

    ............................Calms Me Down..


    .........................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • jgnat

    Hey, the Isrealites weren't stupid. They were familiar with fear, as they fought bears, lions and their neighbours. There is a "faint with fear" response, even though it's not the only reaction to a stressful situaiton.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    In other words, if you're reading a Watchtower magazine and you feel your heart start pounding, you are feeling the calming effects of the message.

  • Syme


    Those old ''scientific'' WT articles are pure joy!

  • mynameislame

    In other words, if you're reading a Watchtower magazine and you feel your heart start pounding, you are feeling the calming effects of the message.

  • adamah

    Holy hell, that's from 1954? It's like the WT has never heard of the sympathetic nervous system (adrenergic, i.e. mediated by adrenaline release) responsible for the "fight or flight" reaction causing the heart rate to accelerate when under stress-inducing situations....

    Of course, ignorance of the principles of human physiology is par for the course for "an intelligent designer" and the "inspired" writers of the Bible, who actually believed human cognition (AKA thinking) occurred in the human heart, and not the brain. It was no figure of speech when God spoke of "evil thoughts in the heart of men" in Genesis; God was depicted as believing as all ancient men did, since the account was written centuries before later Greek physicians discovered the actual roles of the heart and brain.

  • prologos

    Stressfull anxiety causes my heart, even stomach to get upset. I had a heartattack during the time the 'elders' invaded our family safety perimeter.

    Adamah is right, the bible writers had no access to correct understandings. According to them, the kidneys too had to be examined " for man's DEEPEST thoughts (WTese) and God himself had an agitated digestive system when ignored. They did not know that all perception is in the brain, even from no longer existing organs.

    If I do not control my anxiety, my HEART will be RATEd in high danger. again.

    No more invasions of our family's comfort zone

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