Grounds for Disfellowshipping?

by eyes_opened 22 Replies latest jw friends

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  • nicolaou

    For anyone in this situation, you must take control! Show them you will not be pushed around.

    This 'Cease and Desist' letter is one avenue you might try.

    TO: DATED:

    Take note.

    I am requesting that you personally and the elders from the (YOUR LOCAL)Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses collectively, cease and desist from calling on me anymore.
    I would like to make it clear that I am in no way disassociating myself from any congregation, office or organisation associated with Jehovah's Witnesses. I know that I have legal rights. I am fully aware of the possibility of illegalities occurring and wish to prevent them.
    I have the right to not have mental suffering intentionally inflicted upon me. I have the right to privacy and not to have publicity of any kind given to private information about me. And I have the right to be free from unwarranted and untruthful attacks upon my character. If you infringe upon these rights, I may take legal action.
    I will consider any attempt to convince by speeches, talks or teaching; to coerce by implied or actual threat of judicial action; or to encourage by private counsel or suggestion to any of Jehovah's Witnesses to treat me differently from any other person, to be a serious violation of my civil rights and I may initiate any legal action, civil or criminal that I or my solicitor deem appropriate. This includes any attempt to convince by speeches, talks or teaching; to coerce by implied or actual threat of judicial action; or to encourage by private counsel or suggestion to any of Jehovah's Witnesses to shun, ‘mark' or avoid me, cease or otherwise modify their doing business with me, or modify in any way their behaviour towards me. I may consider any such to be an infringement upon my civil and human rights and may initiate appropriate legal action.
    This request to cease and desist from harassment, stalking, slandering, and/or infringing on my rights includes any actions to be taken by any congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and particularly the (YOUR LOCAL)Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses it's individual elders or it's legal corporation, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses or it's legal corporations, The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Inc., The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Great Britain., the International Bible Students Association, or any other agency not here named, including all or any agents or assignees against me.

    You have been warned.


  • waiting

    hey nicolaou,

    Nice to meet you. Interesting letter. Have you actually used it yourself? With what response?

    We have a Hello? Hello? Hello? thread around now - please stop by and tell a little or a lot about yourself - you'll also learn more about others here. Red's a hoot.


  • crittersitter

    just be like a householder...don't go to the door
    they will dig, and even if you play the game, they will assume what they want to . gossip is a big jw trait especially amongst the women folk( they have extensive training in the car groups).
    you will be bugged to death by the elders...
    if you no longer want to be part of the jw system..just walk away. you have nothing to loose really. if the elders deem you a problem, or if they think you may be "pre-apostate", your gonna get black balled either way
    i know..been there
    but in the end, it doen't matter...just get tight with GOD and HE will deliver you from this!!!!
    love ya critter

  • waiting

    Hey Eyes,

    Please keep in mind the definition of the word Lie as given in the Aid Book and Insight Book. Basically, "if you don't feel the person you're talking to deserves a truthful statement not telling a truthful statement is not a lie." The WTBTS was smoother in this hypocritical statement than me. Perhaps they have more experience?

    Anyway, keeping in mind that the elders/elders' wives don't deserve a truthful statement as they would then use it in a deceitful manner - lie.

    A good one that works wonders is that you've been under a lot of emotional stress, seeing a therapist/doctor, on medication, and the therapist strongly urged you to remain stress free. In that context, no spiritual stress. Ask them kindly to let you be left alone to sort through things dealing with (insert here). When your therapist and yourself feel strong enough to go forth - you will let them know. "You wouldn't recommend me going against my therapist/doctor, would you?"

    They will weasle about finding a doctor more in line with WTBTS teachings & the Bible, and you can thank them. But until you can find a doctor more in tune with the WTBTS, you feel compelled to stay with the therapist you have. "You wouldn't recommend me giving up medical help and medicine, would you?"

    If they're dumb enough to miss the ploy, then get someone on the phone, (you're husband?) and have them actually say that's what they're recommending. If they're that stupid, ask if they'll write a note to your therapist/doctor telling you to discontinue medical help. They can't be this stupid, but I've said that about elders before and been proven wrong.

    I really do have sporadic problems with such things, and am quite low enough to use this "out" whenever possible. Works really well. And to think, it's not even lying - just deciding who deserves a true statement. The WTBTS left themselves wide open on this one.

    Play the game according to their rules.


    Edited by - waiting on 16 February 2001 22:7:18

  • eyes_opened

    Hey, Critter......Cool!

    I can be a HBH! Did anyone ever mark on their service record that the householder was HBH? You know how NI was not interested, NH was not home etc. etc. Well my fave was HBH....Home But Hiding I'm gonna try it hehehe.


    About a therapist, that reminds me of a time about 15 years ago I went to see a therapist and I remember telling him way back then that this religion was going to drive me crazy. As I sat there talking to this guy, it struck me how odd it was talking to a complete stranger about my I said to him "How can you do this day in and day out, listening to other peoples problems...doesn't it get extremely stressful?" And he told me he just doesn't take his job home with him. I didn't go back, but I found out through the grapevine that he died the following year of a heart attack. Yikes!

    Anyhow...I sure do ramble don't I? lol It's funny though cause I did tell them that I'm having trouble with depression and stress and I needed time to think...but eeeek they keep elders wife brought me the depression tract the other day and sat there and read from it. I told her I couldn't think about it right then, and she said "Well maybe you can have your husband read it to you when he gets home from work" hahahaha! Oy Vey! Now they think I'm so bad I can't read and need hubby to do it for me. I think I"m going to start my own program called *The Witness protection program* Only instead of hiding witnesses, It will be used to hide FROM witnesses.

    Thanks again all for your encouragement and kind words


    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

  • happytobefree


    I must admit, the emotionally disturbed plea, has worked wonders for me. Instead of blaming the devil, internet, apostates, etc. all of the JW's in my circle blame mental illness. When they mention something I know is dangerous topics of discussion (remember topics for discussion, lol). I just tell them you know I suffer from severe depression and I already feel bad enough about being spiritually weak. I have even been brought to tears (the tears were real, I just used those suckers to let some of my JW trauma out). And I finish my performance by walking them to the door and asking them to keep me in their prayers (I should have been nominated for the Academy Awards).

    But I have another advantage, a worldly husband. He is the reason my house is decorated for every holiday (yea, right, like a man would take the time to decorate the Xmas tree to coordinate with the house).

    So accept all of their advice, and be so grateful for their visit. But if you don't want to answer, remember it is because you needed to rest.

    Have fun

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Yep! Eyes,
    I hid too. They just didn't seem to get the hint when I said I didn't want to talk about it. So I hid. LOL, I thought HBH, was a local designation, didn't know other congregations used it too!
    And do be very careful of elder's wives. I have had experience with the spying. Some of them do run right back to their husbands, and their interpretation of what you supposedly said isn't always very accurate.

  • eyes_opened


    LOL! I know just what you mean. Have had some of those same tears m'self. At first they come from confusion and guilt...then once things start to come together in your mind the confusion leaves and the tears are frustration borne.

    Thanks for your post, I can relate all the way


    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

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