WTS Hypocrisy Digging Their Own Grave WT 6/15/02

by Reborn2002 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mazza

    I just noticed all the bolded comments that REborn 2002 kindly did for us - to save us the leg work. If you quickly skim the bolded comments you get the picture that the WTS is not too subtly trying to convey. Interesting that they can lead the insightful jw drones in this way and then when 2005 comes and goes without event, they can say "we never predicted a date" and blame it all on the drones for reading too much into the literature. I'm a little embarrassed that most of us took so long to see what you were trying to tell us Reborn. We needed the help of our internet study conductor (dmouse) to help us get the point. Yikes!!!


  • Cygnus

    El Oh El.

    Yeah, when you study the significance of the book of 1st Corinthians, remember that St. Paul wasn't writing to the Corinthians, he was writing to the anointed remmant purged from Babylonish teachings in 1919!

    Oh, and Leviticus chapter 17? Not really meant for the Jews! Its real meaning is towards 21st century medical doctors who deal with Jehovah's Witnesses!

    Ah yes, and when Revelation says the 7 letters went to seven congregations, it REALLY means they were to be preserved for anointed elders in Brooklyn, NY!

    I wonder, how many times has the Watchtower not followed its own advice when it quotes from such "so-called Bible scholars."

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    2005 does not follow WT history as they usually like to give it a few more years to hype their predictions. I just recall the 1975 date was pushed for at least 10 years that I can recall. Although my older brother who remembers the late fifties and was not involved with the Jdubs from 1965 on. He tells me the push was on then re 1975 when he was growing up in the 50's. So on this basis the WT was already preparing the "flock" for the impending doomed end of this system. It culminated and peaked in about 1967 with the release of the "Truth" book and the 6 month study program. It was successful as the Dubs greatest growth was from 1967 to 1975. I can see when they figure people have forgotten the 1975 fiasco they will do it all over again. Like PT Barnum said "There is a sucker born every minute"...


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • sf

    "Who's Ass did they pull that out of????"

    Yes, and what ungodly act took place before the removal?

    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

    “What a blessing such integrity keepers are to the congregation!”(5/15/02 WT magazine, pg. 27)

  • jws

    I'm not really seeing a clear path to 2005 either. There is no mention of a 70-year timespan, only a date, 70 CE. And as for the "soon", "impending" verbage. That's a constant. They've always used that. It's nothing new.

    IMHO, if you read 2005 into this, then it's just like when they claimed people saw them pointing to 1975. If you see 2005, you are drawing your own conclusions.

    As for 1935, that does have significance to JWs. I forget the exact reason and probably most JW's for the last 50 years don't know the either because it didn't get brought up much. But it has something to do with "sealing" the 144,000 from what I remember. I think in 1935, the 144,000 were all selected, unless one "fell away" and had to be replaced. Since 1935, anybody who becomes "annointed" is just a replacement called up to replace somebody who, for instance, went apostate. I guess even the replacements have to be replaced because the partakers are still out there and occasionally even increase. Guess a few hundred 90-year-olds found an good "apostate" website and lost the faith.

    The true governing body members for all these years have been made up of only those "annointed" before 1935. Apparently replacements aren't good enough. Hence, as the board ages, they have been faced with some difficult choices, including having helpers annointed after 1935.

    Another thing about 1935 is that may point to future changes. The original 1914 thing presumes that Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem in 607 BC, and 2520 years later is the end of "the Gentile Times" in 1914. But, history tells us Nebuchadnezzar probably conquered Jerusalem in 586 BC (maybe 587 BC), 21 years after the WTS says. If you add 2520 to 586 BC, you get 1935.

    I think they're too scared to abandon 1914, but if they do, 1935 could become the new 1914 - and a more accurate one that doesn't put them in a position of discrediting every Babylonian historian on date issues. It's just that nothing significant like a world war happened in 1935 to bolster the date. And what does that buy you, a mere 21 years? At this late date, they'd have to move their dates up at least 70 years to give them some breathing room. Next thing you know, they'll figure out a way to turn 9-11-01 into the new 1914, when Satan was cast down with great anger against the USA.

  • jws

    I'm not really seeing a clear path to 2005 either. There is no mention of a 70-year timespan, only a date, 70 CE. And as for the "soon", "impending" verbage. That's a constant. They've always used that. It's nothing new.

    IMHO, if you read 2005 into this, then it's just like when they claimed people saw them pointing to 1975. If you see 2005, you are drawing your own conclusions.

    As for 1935, that does have significance to JWs. I forget the exact reason and probably most JW's for the last 50 years don't know the either because it didn't get brought up much. But it has something to do with "sealing" the 144,000 from what I remember. I think in 1935, the 144,000 were all selected, unless one "fell away" and had to be replaced. Since 1935, anybody who becomes "annointed" is just a replacement called up to replace somebody who, for instance, went apostate. I guess even the replacements have to be replaced because the partakers are still out there and occasionally even increase. Guess a few hundred 90-year-olds found an good "apostate" website and lost the faith.

    The true governing body members for all these years have been made up of only those "annointed" before 1935. Apparently replacements aren't good enough. Hence, as the board ages, they have been faced with some difficult choices, including having helpers annointed after 1935.

    Another thing about 1935 is that may point to future changes. The original 1914 thing presumes that Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem in 607 BC, and 2520 years later is the end of "the Gentile Times" in 1914. But, history tells us Nebuchadnezzar probably conquered Jerusalem in 586 BC (maybe 587 BC), 21 years after the WTS says. If you add 2520 to 586 BC, you get 1935.

    I think they're too scared to abandon 1914, but if they do, 1935 could become the new 1914 - and a more accurate one that doesn't put them in a position of discrediting every Babylonian historian on date issues. It's just that nothing significant like a world war happened in 1935 to bolster the date. And what does that buy you, a mere 21 years? At this late date, they'd have to move their dates up at least 70 years to give them some breathing room. Next thing you know, they'll figure out a way to turn 9-11-01 into the new 1914, when Satan was cast down with great anger against the USA.

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