A Must Read! ... What Every Jehovah's Witness Needs To Know! [For Bible-Believers & Newbies Only]

by bjc2read 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    On the same link, there's a very insightful comment by Meleti at January 21, 2014 at 3:06 PM regarding W.E. Vine identifying the League of Nations with the beast of Revelation 17 - before the JWs. The Watchtower organization gives the impression that they have unparalleled insight in identifying the beast and predicting its resurfacing from the abyss as the UN. But the truth is that others had made that identification before the Watchtower did!

  • Crazyguy

    2 timothy 3:16-17 all scriptures inspired, profitable for teaching, for training in righteousness, so that a man of god may be completely equipped for every good work..

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    You take an organization that discourages higher education, and that organization must then interpret the scriptures for those who aren't educated. Now in many cases the lack of higher education isn't such a problem, but when you have an entire church (and the WTS is a church) of people with limited educations, that is problematic. Who, I wonder, translates the Bible?

    The people who run the church runs the people. My own observation of the Governing Body indicates that they cherish their power and they know how to wield it. I don't see the apostles in the early church treating the early Christians like the GB treats the members of the WTS. I do see similarities in the early church on a congregational basis with the individual Kingdom Halls of our day. One of the reasons the early church fell into apostasy is because the local congregations cut their ties with the apostles and began running their own organizations. This would be commendable if the apostles had become control freaks; however, based on the writings we have of these apostles, it's more rank apostasy. But in today's situation, the GB seems to be the culprit by trying to exercise unrighteous dominion over the congregations. And they are now very close to claiming apostolic authority over the entire church through vain comparisons. Unlike the ancient apostles, the GB has no claims on such authority. No one ever ordained them. They've never seen Christ, spoken to him; they have no witnesses to their authority or how they received it. They've seen no angels, though if they claimed to I suspect the entire Society would buy the claim without question.

  • prologos

    The beroeans were in the same boat as we are (almost) they were confronted with the new teaching of the jewish messiah, preaching done by Paul, and they checked against the copies of the Torah and whatever sectarian material available in the synagogue.

    We are confronted with this new idea of the 1919, apostle-free FADS, having both the bible and wt material to work with.

    Our conclusion of this and previous ideas for the 140 previous years,

    This Things are NOT so.

  • EdenOne


  • bjc2read

    Do you think Jehovah's Witnesses have a brain, especially after studying that November 15th, 2013 "7 Shepherds/8 Dukes" article in the Watchtower?

    The following is taken from a JW Discussion Board. (They are discussing the aftermath and "fallout" from the recent Sunday's Watchtower Study, and the things people are saying at a subsequent midweek meeting, just after that study. There seems to be two [2] distinctive camps developing at the kingdom halls. GB worshipers and non-GB worshipers.)

    Listen at this:

    See link: http://meletivivlon.com/2014/01/19/seven-shepherds-eight-dukes-what-they-mean-for-us-today-addendum-w13-1115-p-16/#comment-7753

          • A well respected Elder( and the Coordinator) started crying on the stage during the Bible study saying that he feels so privileged, yet unworthy, that Jehovah by means of the slave has revealed that he will be one of the shepherds/dukes to lead God’s people through Armageddon. He went on to say that he has read that prophecy so many times and had no idea that in his lifetime Jehovah would unveil the identity of the dukes /shepherds. He then added that the brothers are letting us know that Jehovah is about to close the door(invoking the ark ).

            While talking about Jehovah’s qualities in the Bible study he asked the congregation about the qualities that the GB displayed during the annual meeting . He followed up the comments by saying “Imitating these loving brothers is imitating Jehovah ,They show us what Jehovah must be like”. Not Jesus who is a perfect reflection of his Father…..the GB.

            I had to type this out. I’m disturbed and in utter disbelief. I’m asking Jehovah in prayer tonight… “Why is this happening? ” A part of me wishes that the scales were still on my eyes so I can share in the joy of this “revelation” with my brothers and sisters.

            This is unbelievable because this brother knows the Bible like no other! I need a new word for disappointment to describe how I am feeling right now…..


            • Sargonsaid:

              January 21, 2014 at 9:20 PM

              It’s very sad. Jesus had been put on the back burner. Loyalty to the GB trumps all. I expect things to come to a terrible end very soon. Many brothers quietly are not buying this material. Eventually things will come to a head. Hopefully it’s not as bad as I imagine. I predict that I will soon lose family and friends.


            • smolderingwick1said:

              January 21, 2014 at 9:30 PM

              When the truth becomes oppressive, denial comes to the rescue.


            • Meleti Vivlonsaid:

              January 21, 2014 at 10:57 PM

              That is a simply astonishing account. I can see why you would feel as you do. These are disturbing events.


    1. GodsWordisTruthsaid:

      January 21, 2014 at 10:51 PM

      In Bible study, comments, the SM every one repeated that “be ready to obey line ” from last weeks WT to the point of it being kinda creepy.But even still I found myself searching for something to hold on to because the urgency among everyone was so great. I began to feel like my life could be possibly at stake. What if they are right?

      That thought quickly vaporized when we sung the song about submitting to theocratic order as if Jehovah established such a thing.


    2. Sargonsaid:

      January 22, 2014 at 12:56 AM

      A friend told me that if the GB told him to wear purple sock he would wear purple socks. That is a cult mentality. I shared this with another witness friend who’s an MS and he jokingly told me to ask that other brother when our next cult meeting was.At least some witnesses are not willing to worship men.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Well, it's easier to guage how people are reacting to the GB's new claims and tactics, but what I'd love to know is what the GB members think of, or see themselves, as. When it's look-in-the-mirror time, what do they see staring back at them? Do they see themselves as apostles? And how do they expect to be treated?

    Anciently, the Lord specifically empowered his agents, telling his critics that if he were to witness for himself that that testimony would be worthless. John testified of Jesus, and when Jesus came up out of the water during baptism, a voice was heard out of the heavens: "Behold, this is my only begotten Son, hear ye him!" And in the form of a dove, the Holy Spirit descended and testified to peoples' hearts that what they had been told was true. It was the ancient law of witnesses, and Jesus testified not of himself, but both the Father and the Holy Spirit were two who testified of him (proving that the Holy Spirit was more than just an "active force.") Likewise, the Lord told the apostles, whom he personally ordained:

    Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. -John 15:15-16

    Note that John is specifically addressing the fact that Jesus chose his servants and not vice versa. Note, too, that he specifically tells them he isn't going to call them slaves or servants because, as he explains, servants "knoweth not what his Lord doeth." Yet the Governing Body members specifically refer to themselves one notch down from servants, which is a collective slave! Next the Lord commands them to "go and bring forth fruit." And that if they need anything, they're to go to the Father in prayer and they'll get what they need! The question is, do these comments completely negage the Lord's parable about the faithful and discreet slave who, at the appointed time, will feed the Lord's people whilst he's away. I mean, they call themselves the "slave" and take it upon themselves to feed the Lord's household servants in the Lord's house.


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