So what is the Society doing with all that $$$?

by QuestioningEverything 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm

    my theory is the leadership has traditionally had a thing for growing numbers and having yet another one is taken as an important sign they are right.

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    If the GB were taking a little under the table, have they shown any signs of it? I know they get plane rides and uousing and power...anything else?

  • DeWandelaar

    I think they are building a spaceship so they can preach in other galaxies...

  • gingerbread

    They are investing it - in real estate. And the WT Society has, for over half a century, earned cash through investment in the stock/bond markets.

    The real question is WHO has control of the cash, investments and properties. I really doubt that the GB members have that control - just examine their resumes. A background in full time pioneer service, circuit and bethel home work without any specialized training or degree does not make a person the best one to manage billions of dollars of cash and assets.


  • Dis-Member
  • punkofnice

    It's the paedophile defence fund surely?

    Probably pays for the trips the GB take in their paedophile ring too.

    Whatever it is it isn't for the benefit of the poor and needy.

    The WBT$ is a greedy business. what does a greedy business do with the money?

  • AuntBee

    When I asked a JW that, they said it was for printing Bibles, and for the 'world-wide' work.

  • flipper

    As Punk stated WT Society is a large greedy corporation so they probably do with the money what all large greedy corporations do- use it to pad the WT financial leaders bank accounts whether those leaders are the WT corporate attorneys, legal advisors, GB, or whomever. Problem is is that it's a secret society at the top of the organization and nobody, not rank & file or other JW's will EVER be told where their donations go. They keep it secret purposely so they don't have to be accounable to anybody to show where the $$$$ is going. And I don't see that changing anytime soon. Unless they start having to pay taxes and the federal government FORCES them to disclose where the money goes- that information won't be available soon. This is what criminal organizations do, and WT Society IS a criminal organization

  • Sobeit

    Bloomberg News

    Company Overview of Watchtower, Inc.

    Snapshot People

    Company Overview

    Watchtower, Inc. does not have significant operations. It intends to merge or acquire with an operating company. The company was founded in 2007 and is based in Brooklyn, New York.

    100 Henry Street

    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    United States

    Founded in 2007



    Key Executives for Watchtower, Inc.

    Mr. Menachem M. Schneerson Chairman Age: 56 Mr. Shmaya Glick Principal Financial Officer Age: 43 Compensation as of Fiscal Year 2013.

  • AlphaMan

    The Watchtower is a religious publishing house/ holding company corporation cult. We have seen the cult morph from making their money primarily by printing Watchtower literature to now making money primary by selling real estate. The constant remodeling of KH's seems to be a money maker for them also. Now with a huge amount of cash, no doubt financial investments are a main source of income for the Watchtower.

    You might liken it to a bee hive. The queen bee is the Governing Body and the JW's the various other bees doing their assigned duties. The honey equals the money. All the Watchtower does is make money. They spend a little of it, but their main enjoyment is watching the money amount grow.

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