So what is the Society doing with all that $$$?

by QuestioningEverything 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • QuestioningEverything

    I read article after article about the billions the GB rakes in from fleecing the sheep but I've never heard anyone explain what happens to the money.

    I mean is it in a swiss account? Are the GB living in private mansions? Where does the $ go?

  • QuestioningEverything

    No ideas? Anybody!!!


    That's a great question to ask still-in JWs. It will probably only register if they are already having doubts about the Organization. But worth a try.

  • QuestioningEverything

    I AGREE BUT i'M TOTALLY OUT AND STILL WONDER!! Does anyone know or have a thought?

  • QuestioningEverything

    besides paying off molested memebers, I mean!!!

  • JustVisting

    Some of the cash just sits in conservative, traditional bank accounts, but according to some reports on the web, the WT Society sends representatives to hedge fund (high risk) investment conferences held in London.

  • QuestioningEverything

    Interesting! But to what end? I mean what point is a multi billion $ organazation or making investments with no particular benefactor? My thought is someone must be really enjoying at least a piece of that pie. They will never get another dime from me but I would feel slightly less foolish if they actually use the money for the preaching work

  • joe134cd

    Yeah that is a good question. But from someone who has only just recently faded, for most of the dubbies it wouldnt even cross there minds to ask where it is.

  • smiddy

    Dont be surprised if one day you hear Bro. so and so has been charged with ripping off millions of $$$$$$ from the WTB&TS .

    If you dont think jehovahs witnesses are capable of such a thing , then look up the site " crimes committed by jehovahs witnesses "

    It covers everything from petty crimes to murder , and not like you would think crimes by weak ones , newly interested ones , or someone who just claimed to be a witness , but these are crimes committed by long standing brothers held in high esteem , often bros. who have responsible positions in the organization .

    Just saying


  • prologos

    One of Jesus' parables suggests to be wise and to

    buy yourself favours.

    by cooking, hiding the books.

    he approoved the crooks.

    honestly I believe it is all done in sincerety.

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