Interesting comments from a certain JW forum...

by konceptual99 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • fahrvegnugen

    I believe and my option only that Jehovah is telling us something. We just have too wait for clarification, we see that 2 Bethels are in the process of moving and further out New York is relocating further North, Great Britain is going further East....

    Apparently Jehovah is moving them away from the populace so they don't get singed by the impending fire and brimstone he's about to rain down. He's mighty thoughty that way.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Addressing how growth outpaces the birth rate...much of the growth IS the birth rate. MANY of the new publishers every year are JW kids who finally become old enough to count their time. I'd love to see numbers that differentiate between actual NEW JW publishers and JW kids who join the publisher ranks. The Borg doesn't count those numbers but I bet we could do estimates based on birth rates and get a good guess at just how many are actually joining the religion from the field.

  • magotan

    I used to be in Circuit 3 when I left about a year ago. I wonder which congos were dissolved.

    I am one of many that have left the org, and there are so many people who simply just want to GTFO out of Northeast Ohio.

  • smiddy

    Since when has the organization looked after its long standing loyal witnesses .?

    They are not part of the WTB&TS organization in a legal sense , they are doing voluntary work at their own discretion.

    They are on their own .They bought their ticket they knew what they were getting into . It`s not our problem

    Correct me if I am wrong , does the WT society look after them in their old age ? when they get laid off because they have become redundant ? when brancch offices close ? or do they palm them off onto unsuspecting congregations telling them how wonderfull it is for them to look after bro.&sis. faithfull for all the years they have served loyally in jehovahs service , without providing an ounce of support monetary wise .

    Do they provide a pension for them ? Ongoing financial and medical support ? Superannuation ? Retirement benefits ?

    Or have they all just been dumped on the scrap heap .



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