Interesting comments from a certain JW forum...

by konceptual99 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • konceptual99

    These are snippets from a thread on change to circuit boundaries in the US Please don't assume a single narrative here.

    Well, we just had a letter tonight saying that the Branch has decided to dissolve 2 of the Ohio circuits, one being Ohio Circuit #3 which I am in. Ohio Circuit #3 will continue to exist until the new service year in September, at which point the congregations making up our circuit will be redistributed to other current circuits. We'll be moving to Ohio Circuit #8.

    Interestingly, our sister congregation with whom we share the same Hall was assigned to a completely different circuit, along with a lot of others we are used to seeing at our assemblies. We'll be getting to meet some new faces here near the end of the year.

    We had a letter read from our current Circuit Overseer which stated that the branch had noted that in recent years, a number of English congregations have been dissolved and that it has become necessary to dissolve 2 circuits.

    The economic collapse of 2008 is probably also to blame. Many individuals have left the area, and then others have moved over to foreign language congregations. In addition, we already had a number of small congregations who combined and sold a Hall to help alleviate expenses. If you got 40 publishers here and 30 publishers there, it makes sense to combine them and dissolve one.

    I heard about this Tuesday from Brother Illingworth, but he didn't mention we were getting your hall. That's awesome! He said we were losing 5 Congregations to other circuits and gaining 5 to ours, including Wadsworth and Medina. Not sure where Bath is going. Guipel called him in a "panic" while we were out in service. He wonders what will happen to him since he will be a CO without a circuit.

    That's going on here in Mexico as well. Ensenada has changed from 4 congregations to 2. Tijuana from 15 to like, 5 I think. But it was all small congregations, around 40 or so. The dynamics are hard because it's not just "need greaters" here with the attitude of serving and focus, cuz it's close enough to the border that people move here to live cheaply but go back and forth to the states all the time. Makes it hard in the congregations if you are relying on brothers that are gone a lot. Our Service Overseer worked one week a month in the states, so he was gone, Then they liked to "serve" other places from time to time while visiting family and friends. So that put a strain on the congregation, we were always waiting for him to come back. Puts a strain on other elders, Jess is COBY so he try's and cover for the missing elders and do his own job. Now that we have merged, the new Service Overseer is present, and we now have carts for street witnessing and that work is being organized. Jess had finally stepped in and ordered them, always thinking the other service overseer had done it when he hadn't, yet. So it can make sense to merge congregations and strengthen them.

    A circuit without a CO here in Canada so maybe your footloose CO will come here. It has happened before.

    There is a problem in the United States with a lack of circuit and district overseers. It seems there aren't as many younger brothers reaching out for CO and DO as their are older COs and DOs that need to retire/come off the list.
    Canada must be dealing with the same issue.

    I think so also, I believe that we are in for quite a few changes this year and relocating, mixing with those that we have never met, The International Conventions I believe and my option only that Jehovah is telling us something. We just have too wait for clarification, we see that 2 Bethels are in the process of moving and further out New York is relocating further North, Great Britain is going further East I do not know but this did mark the 100yrs of Christ rulership so changes should be expected. Please correct me if I am wrong as always I accept corrections especially scriptural.

    Make of it what you will...

  • KateWild

    Good find K99, very interesting read. I make of it the fact that loads of JWs are jumping ship. We have had quite a few join up here is 2013, but more would have left the BOrg, some for good some not.

    Also what I make from this is the higher up US COs and DOs want to retire is Warwick after living out of a suitcase for so long, I bet a few charasmatic ones will get a nice retirement home, but many I suspect will end up on the scrap heap with nowhere to live.

    Well that's my take on it. Whats yours?

    Kate xx

  • Oubliette

    This increase is from Jehovah and it is wonderful in our eyes! The tremendous growth in the field is proof of Jehovah's blessing on the preaching work!

  • konceptual99

    My take on it Kate is that I don't think it is evidence of a decrease as much as it is consolidation driven by the changing makeup of the org and society in general.

    I think the last comment is the most bizarre. There are some who are pretty pragmatic in their summation and then there are others looking for meaning and messages that simply aren't there.

  • John_Mann

    I accept corrections

    Reminds me The Shinning.

  • wannabefree

    Reminds me of how several years ago JW's were pointing at the dwindling number of priests and how Catholic churches were closing down and/or priests were being shared and serving at more than one parrish.

    4 years ago, a tiny congregation did a quick build in our area. This congregation had less than 10 full time attendees with an MTS bro at the helm. There are Kingdom halls to the north, south, east, and west ranging from 30 to 40 miles away. Instead of disolving this congregation and sending them elsewhere, they built a new hall. I don't know why Brooklyn ever approved this one. The hall I was in passed a resolution to help with a set dollar amount each month to pay the new mortgage to the Organization. Also, our hall started out by sending elders to help with meeting parts and sending "examplary" publishers to be a part the Ministry School. Eventually, three elders transferred full time to the congregation, commuting for meetings and field service. CRAZY!

  • LostGeneration

    Love the one who blames 2008 for the problems. Idiot.

    I wonder if they have put the brakes on building halls because of their little pet project up there in NY. If there isn't much building going on out in the field, more will voluteer to go to NY.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I make of it the fact that loads of JWs are jumping ship.

    We have had quite a few join up here is 2013, but more would have left the BOrg, some for good some not.

    I too was astounded by all the Newbies showing up here in the past year. Some faders, some who were still active physically, but OUT mentally.

    I wonder which are a bigger issue for the Organization? Someone who actually leaves -- quits attending -- leaves a seat open. Someone who just checks out mentally may still fill the seat, but I bet they quit filling the contribution boxes, plus it's a drain on the time elders have as they (maybe) made efforts to jump-start them.


  • problemaddict

    zever been in a hall with 40 people? Its terrible. I think you will start to see fewer congregations with more members. I realize that lessens the ability to control members, but it also makes people feel they are "stronger" than they are.

    I don't see alot of JW's jumping ship. The growth still outpaces birth rate (if not by staggering amounts of course).

    Indeed, maybe Jehovah IS trying to tell you something. Those statements always crack me up. Hey our circuit combines and congregations are being moved from one to another....maybe Jehovah is directly involved in communicating a message through this corporate activity! Its the JW equivalent to seeing Jesus in a piece of toasted bread.

  • frankiespeakin

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