Titbit from April Awake

by konceptual99 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • fahrvegnugen

    Remind you of any other group that drops people like a stone when they say they don't want to be involved anymore?

    Back when I was an active JW I used to read a lot of memoirs from people who survived life under communism in Russia and Eastern Europe. After one particularly dreary special assembly day I went off on a rant to my mother about the unbelievable similarity between the JW meetings and communist party meetings. In both cases people were required to attend meetings and listen to ridiculous talks about what a glorious "paradise" they were so fortunate to be living in. In both cases people who had once been sincere, now simply went through the motions and eventually grew jaded and cynical. I swear in that central CA circuit there were so many unhappy people, everyone just seemed exhausted and that only caused the ludicrous DO to ratchet up the rah-rah schtick to new levels. Everyone hated that guy, but Jeezus did he have great hair--televangelist hair.

  • konceptual99

    Oops bats - you are correct. Apologies.

  • WTWizard

    This is similar to North Korea's communism. I recommend listening to the message at http://webzoom.freewebs.com/gblt/Sermon%205%20North%20Korea.mp3 and see for yourself what North Korea is like. You can get the whole list of similar sermons in audio at http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Audio.htm and see for yourself the similarities between Christi-SCAM-ity and communism. You will also see the link between the jokehovian witless religion and communism. Notice that these audio sermons are far more interesting and informative than anything you will ever hear at the Kingdumb Hell--they do contain small amounts of coarse language, so if you are offended by the occasional swear word or you cannot tolerate anti-Semitism, be advised that these lectures contain the above (along with revealing the connection between Christi-SCAM-ity and communism).

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