When A Fellow Apostate Goes Insane, What Can We Do To Help?

by RottenRiley 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • RottenRiley

    I don't know how to handle the situation with a fellow apostate who has lost their mind due to this evil Cult. This guy is texting many of the Elders under alias of six different cell-phones no less than twenty times a day.

    We had to change the locks at the Kingdom Hall because he was still stalking and prowling around the Hall after advertsing he had left the Kingdom Hall and we were all no less than mind-dead zombies sucking out of the life of thinking individuals. I will not fight him on that comment, I am afraid he has become a beast because he is following familes in Field Service with a microphone in hand, waits till the Publishers knock of the door and screams out anti-Watchtower materials until the car-group piles back in their car and leaves the territory. He successfully has helped the Watchtower cement in the Congregation's head (or Two Circuits in this case), "Apostates are raving lunatics and lose their mind because the Holy Spirit has left them in to the darkest parts of Tartarus."

    We have stopped him from commenting but it's getting to be a challenge, how can we protect the Kingdom Hall during Meeting if somebody is pretending to be a "Old Sister Edna from Buttonwillow's on Vacation"? Once we allow Sister Edna her chance to speak, off scream's this guy like a Sam Kinison's on crack, making his corpse go red with envy.

    I feel like all the hard work the sane opponets of the Watchtower's evil actions are going up in smoke because this guy has crossed the thin blue line from sanity to insanity. What drive's a person to a level where they feel they need to drag down all the good works Locals are doing in a effort to push the message the Watchtower does not have the Truth? Why do you feel the need to force every Witness in your apartment complex, to run when they see you or act like Jim Carry's Cableguy until you force them to move, only to tell each new Congregation their personal war-stories of fending off the Agent of Satan?

    Yes, the rabid conduct make's me think you are a double agent working for the Watchtower, your actions are exactly like M. Night Shyamalan's "The Village", we are becoming like the creatures the children feared from (Those Whose Names We Do Not Speak Of) because you must make your voiciferous and bombastic crazed methods, destroy all the good work every sane anti-Watchtower member has done. Thank's for setting us back ten years because you won't take your Haldol or Thorzine! Keep up those threats of burning down the Kingdom Hall, that's working out so good for local apostates and it shows how screwed up you are! Thank's for nothing Double Agent!



  • EndofMysteries

    Sit back and enjoy the show

  • RottenRiley

    I have a hard time sitting back watching brilliant people self-destruct, it's no fun seeing a highly educated man implode before our eyes only to have the local Witnesses enjoy seeing his demise. It sucks but I knew it was going to happen when he took down a elder after he was excommunicated, the elder was a weaker guy with personal issues of "Internet Boobies and Women in Nude", still has not recovered from losing his position over his date with a apostate.

    I don't think telling people or hinting "It would be a shame if the Kingdom Hall was to go up in flames" or "Vandalized" will help our fellow apostate, it's his choice and I am in no position to give him he help he really needs!

  • RottenRiley

    Reading Ray Franz's books and taking to heart what Ray said about "Aggressive and underhanded tactics" is too simple. Letting them live their lives is not a option with him, he is on a collosion course but will he survive or fall in to some type of psychiatric break?

  • Hortensia

    I think maybe you ought to talk to the police. Apostates have no more right than anyone else to harass and frighten people who are just going about their business. You might just go to the police station, say you understand this guy has the right to free speech, but he's starting to scare people and he's hinting around that he might do something violent. Ask their advice.

    Also, read the book The Gift of Fear and act on some of the good advice in that book.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Ya reap wot ya sow. Enjoy the show

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    He may well have lost the plot and need help with his issues. Get in touch with the Samaritans (or similar) or the Police for advice on what can be done.

    I dont think it's funny to allow him to unravel publicly and self destruct with potential for harm to others. As you point out his actions are doing absolutely nothing to free anyone form the cult either.

  • Dis-Member

    You seem be making to making out 'Apostates' to be some sort of organised group with behavioral standards and a modus operandi and methodology and that individual apostate can let the larger group of apostates down and affect their reputation.

    Wow that's quite a scary thought. Do apostates have standards? I get the impression it's a total free for all. Every man for himself kind of thing.

  • krejames

    I agree with the advice that maybe the police need to be told. This guy needs help and support. He must be going through hell in his mind in order to do what he is doing.

    As for whether he is giving apostates a bad name. I can see your point of view. But for every fanatical apostate, there are, I'm sure, probably at least double the number of fanatical JWs. Maybe not resorting to such drastic measures, but enough to put normal people off JWs. I can think of several I have known over the years (you know, the type that take witnessing to the extreme, not respecting personal boundaries or body language that shows someone is REALLY not interested). Yes I think on balance, this guy's actions are not going to make much of a net effect except, as you say, give the local JWs a few war stories that will probably turn into urban legends. Still, let them have their fun. In the meantime this poor man needs help.

  • scotoma

    Have the elders pray over him and cast the demon out.

    Just like Paul when he was being harrassed.

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