Gay for J.

by SuperBoy 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • SuperBoy

    So, I eventually decided that this place wasn't the apostate hot bed I was led to believe ;-), (or maybe I am now an apostate! But I don't feel like one.).

    I was brought up in "The Truth".

    I loved it. I loved it. I loved the assemblies, the conventions, volunteering, the quickbuilds, the meetings, the field service, the social life.
    I stress this because even now I am not really bitter about my experiences. Life's too short. I am a bit pissed off by the whole "you don't need University" line that I was fed as I would have loved to go to Uni. But Jehovah will make sure I have 'enough'. Probably.

    So, I was almost a perfect JW.
    Except I was gay. I knew from when I was very young.

    Convinced this was my own doing, I prayed and prayed and prayed. I studied and studied, and watched all my friends get married and settle down.
    Because they were allowed to do that, but, according to The Watchtower, I had a 'special challenge'. But with prayer I would be able to maintain my relationship with Jehovah.

    Every so often, a Watchtower article would be about homosexuality, I remember an article called 'Something worse than AIDS' and there would be comments at the meeting about the disgusting practices of homosexuals.

    Except, I knew that I wasn't disgusting. I wasn't promiscuous. I was, and still am, a pretty rubbish gay. I like real ale, chips and dislike exercise.
    I wasn't one of those kind of gays. I was normal. And was learning repeatedly at the meetings that I had possibly committed the unforgivable sin, that fornicators may never truly be forgiven, oh, and that gay sex isn't the same as fornication. Perhaps.

    I then started meeting blokes in public toilets. Bad, right?
    And my conscience wouldn't let me do that kind of thing. I would go to the meeting on Sunday, answer during The Watchtower and try to hook up afterwards.

    So I stopped going to the meetings, eventually met someone and the rest as they say, is history.

    That was over ten years ago.
    Now, I look at JW's as misguided. I think my family (Dad is an elder, brother is a Special Pioneer) are trapped in a beautiful, cruel lie.

    I am single again, but I have found more sincere people in "The World" than I ever did when I was a JW.
    I remember a sister in the hall gave me a lift home from work as it was raining. Next thing I know is I am being questioned about a brother and a sister being in a car, unchaperoned. What is it with JW's and their obsession that everyone is just waiting to have sex?

    I am not angry about being brought up a JW. I liked that it made me a bit stubborn in some ways - I don't give in to peer pressure because I was brought up not to, and I think all of us ex-JWs have a unique view on life.

    Life is pretty good, not because I am waiting for something better tomorrow, but because I am enjoying the life I have today.

  • cofty

    Hi superboy - Welcome to the forum.

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    Welcome aboard!

    Kool Jo

  • jdubsnub

    I've always felt so bad for ones who are gay. It's hard enough being stuck in this cult, let alone not being told that you're evil. If I was gay I would have such a tough time sitting at the hall and listening to the homophobic comments made. It's disgusting. Well hang in there and welcome to the forum!

  • Fernando

    Welcome SuperBoy.

    Good on you for not being bitter about your time in the cult, and the challenges you faced.

    I pray that in time you will once again find someone to share your life with.

  • krejames

    Welcome Superboy. I can totally relate to your story (as can many other gay exJWs no doubt). The gay world is not the world painted by the WTS. The sleazy side of it all (sex in toilets etc), I believe is a direct result of people having to be in the closet (no pun intended hehe). Most of my gay friends nowadays live lives pretty similar to the average heterosexual. We're all just people gay or straight etc. It sounds like you escaped while you were young. I'm glad for that.

  • besty

    hi - welcome to JWN :-)

  • Comatose

    Welcome! glad to have you. I'm happy you have found peace and happiness outside. I wish you the best.

  • ozbrad

    Welcome there's a lot of us gays around here just like the general population and shock horror were just like real people.

  • Seraphim23

    Hi SuperBoy. I’m an x-JW gay guy as well. Ex JW not x-gay that is.LOL

    The JWs don’t understand that the public toilet phenomena were a result of the fact that a homosexual had to be anonymous in whom they met up with, for protection of themselves and those they met. Discovery historically meant prison or worse. If Mr right was met in such an encounter, which for many was the ultimate aim over and above the sex then sharing addresses and names was the ultimate risk. I live in the UK and it is only just over one generation that is has not been against the law to have gay sex and the UK is one of the most progressive countries in the world in its attitude towards gay people.

    When I came out at nineteen I met up at a public toilet as well. It wasn’t for sex as such, although that happened, but really because I didn’t know anyone who was gay let alone what I was going through as a confused gay JW. I had no one to turn to at that age that was gay but I did know that this was a place to meet some other gay people. Not ideal. I’m glad this doesn’t happen as much now with the younger gay generation.

    Anyhow welcome to the forum.

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