Latest article about domestic violence and abuse

by confusedandalone 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • confusedandalone

    Thanks for all responses. On my way out the door to share articles and the experiences. Hopefully it will have a good effect

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Any abuse is extreme abuse. Under their qualifications, a man could go to prison yet the woman would have to stay in the relationship. Some day the sisters will wake up. I try to understand their reasoning. My mom felt the abuse had to be extreme. The entire family continues to pay the price. Women need to leave for their children. Feel bad for yourself. Let your children see that standards are set.

    I could Selma and Steve some place evil. It angered me so much I asked some Witnesses to call. I forgot about the article and was suprised to see two sisters at my door. They had no idea what I was talking about.

  • 4thgen

    It is a shame that the world has a stronger stance against abuse than the Watchtower. Certainly, if they were following Christ's example of love, NO abuse would be tolerated, let alone covered up. Steve2: Absolutely! What is so ironic, is that the women who endure the abuse and stay in submission, wear it as a badge of honor of their love of God and their righteousness. Jgnat: Been there. I feel your pain. Peace is worth the price. Flipper: Yes, if the elders would do their job following scriptures instead of the 'company' policy, lives could be different.

  • besunny

    This is what woke me up and why I left this religion,from the age of 4 to my early 40's I was a witness,,I married a brother in my 20's who was a pioneer,,he was the boss and controlled everything,I had no say in nothing,he isolated me from family and friends,hit, choked,spit,cut my hair off,took my car away,at one point wasn't allowed to watch tv,,the list goes on,when initially I went to the elders l was counseled that I must be doing something to cause this,it left me depressed and thinking I'm crazy,,,where was Jehovah's protection for me and my kids,,it wasn't there,,,when I left for the last time I decided I would go on with my life,,and what totally makes me madd is that you can't remarry if you decide to leave a abusive spouse,,,so again more abusive rules and control,,I'm still bitter because of this treatment and wasted time of feeling stuck with no options,,but I faded and am happily remarried to a wonderful man who has never been a witness,,,there is a life outside this cult

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    It always threw me when I was in JWs when they'd give the experience of some sister who got beaten to a pulp for 20-30 years before the husband became a JW. My first thought was, WTF didn't she go straight to the police?

  • steve2

    Hey jgnat -sorry to hear about the physical abuse you suffered from your first husband - and glad you got out! This topic will really speak to you and it reminds me about the kinds of covert messages women received - and in some quarters continue to receive - about enduring frank abuse for some religious or other claimed "greater good".

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    A JW friend of mine was getting bashed senseless every day (she now has a broken spine because of it) and the elders just said, "Don't provoke him. Try to be more submissive." Got her back broken. A sensible person would have encouraged her to leave before it got to that point. How many maimed and crippled JW women must there be out there because of the elders' advice?

  • punkofnice

    The Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses and the WBT$ just love abuse it seems.

    Paedophiles are protected. Spousal abusers are protected. Suffer or die rather than take a blood transfusion.

    What does that say about the GB and the god they pretend exists?

    They disgust me.

  • Jack C.
    Jack C.

    Any woman who stays with an abusive man should have her head examined. Any man who abuses a woman should be castrated. Women DO abuse men and those who do are either sociopaths or males in womens personna's.....

  • wasblind

    Steve just don't know how lucky he was to have Selma instead of me

    I woulda had ol' Steve sleepin' wit one eye open



    Trust. That ain't good sleep, and would leave Ol' Steve to tired to raise his hand



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