Does earthquake means revolution in Biblical symbolic language (dark sayings)?

by never a jw 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Is the answer to my question "yes" or is it more BS from Rutherford, just like the meaning of Matthew 8:11 according to the FDS.

    In page 19 of the book "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" you will find the following:

    "Again Jesns said that the war, famine and pestilence would be followed by earthquakes It was not unusual for Jesus to use symbolic language; in fact, he often used symbolic language or dark sayings to conceal the real meaning until the due time should come. In Biblical symbology earthquake means revolution. Following the war have come famine, pestilence and revolutions in many countries-some bloody and some bloodless. Russia has experienced her revolution and there the Babylonish systems have fallen".

    I guess there were not too many earthquakes around the time the book was written so the prophecy had to be fulfilled no matter what. Nothing has changed in Watchtowerland during the last 90 years.

  • Apognophos

    How interesting, I hadn't seen the Watchtower interpret "earthquakes" that way before.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I never heard that formulation during Knorr's reign. Earthquakes were a sign of the end times. Since only a few anointed were left on earth, the earthquakes must increase. The entire world would quake into Armageddon. It was mentioned frequently at the KH. Seismology was gathering force as a science. International bodies were set up to monitor earthquakes throughout the world. Even today an earthquake might be confirmed by readings from distant countries. It allow the UN and NGOs to coordinate relief efforts.

    I swear more than one a week the earthquakes were mentioned. The science was discussed at school. I had no place to take my kid concerns. Some nights I could not sleep waiting for the grand earthquake of northern Jersey. I figured NYC was evil so every time we visited I expect the earth to be jello. For some reason, I worried about all the innocent dogs, cats, and birds. Soon the neighborhood kids and my teachers were worried about. Altho I wanted to apply to Berkeley, I did not b/c I felt I could not study.

    Only the Witnesses assert there are more earthquakes since 1914. Finally, NYC had an actual earthquake and I laughed. Hollywood did film very graphic earth quake disaster films. Live in a cult and you will not know factual material.

  • Bobcat

    Seismos (Strong's # 4578) mostly refers to earthquakes, but is also used for a windstorm at Matthew 8:24. BDAG defines it as, "a violent shaking or commotion, shock, agitation, in out lit[erature] only of natural phenomena, w[ith] the specific type qualified by context."

    AMG's Greek-English dictionary says, regarding Matthew 8:24, "Generally, in the sea meaning a tempest, tornado."

    The NT does not use it in the sense of 'riot' or 'uprising.' But poster Larsinger58, for one held to the idea that in Matthew 24:7 it meant that. I think there are others who hold to that idea as well.

    Take Care

  • Bobcat

    sorry, double post.

  • rebel8

    Whaaaaaaaaaaat?! Wow.

    Once again they forgot their own history, I guess. In recent decades, literal earthquakes are one of their hallmark end times doctrines.

  • Fernando

    You could be onto something there never a jw.

    I would opt for the same interpretation.

    Human society is now on the cusp of "change or die" on many fronts.

    Progressive and radical new ways and insights do seem to be gaining traction.

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