Freedom From Atheism Foundation

by Seraphim23 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seraphim23

    In the interests of being fair, I feel I have to point out this Facebook page. After one minute of reading, I located at least one lie regarding the TYT or Young Turks presenter Cenk. They said he was an atheist so I pointed out that this is not correct as he self identifies as an agnostic. I think the atheist position is wrong but I cannot abide propaganda from fellow Christians. When one walks the middle line there is always a risk of alienating both sides but information that is true is power on the other hand.

    Why anyone would start a “Freedom From Atheism Foundation” is beyond me? I don’t notice my freedom to believe being curtailed by atheists. In the crucible of factual debate there is room for both God and atheism when it comes to forming one’s own opinion as to how to interpret facts. However propaganda and lies don’t get my vote no matter who it is from.

  • Sayswho

    • However propaganda and lies don’t get my vote no matter who it is from.



  • Witness My Fury
  • adamah

    Seraphim said- Why anyone would start a “Freedom From Atheism Foundation” is beyond me?

    Have you not read your own Bible, eg the lovely passages such as, "the fool says in their heart there is no God"?

    Note the expression, "says in their heart": that's a phrase that means NOT to verbalize that concepts to others, but it means to THINK it, to CONSIDER it.

    In ancient Israel, voicing that sentiment out loud to others was a sin against God that violated one of the 10 commandments and was a death penalty offense; any atheist who dared say it out loud was simply stoned to death for commiting the blasphemy of suggesting Jehovah didn't exist.

    In later Judaism (i.e. when under control of the Persians, Greeks, Romans, etc), believers weren't allowed to kill others under Hebraic law by their overlords (who conquered their land and imposed their own rules), so the Jews eventually turned to the non-lethal practice of shunning. Xianity however was eventually adopted by secular authorities in Rome, and the Roman gov't had no problem executing those who were foolish enough to publicly commit blasphemy by saying there was no God or Jesus.

    The practice continued until the recent past, when the Age of Enlightment began to introduce the concept of freedom of religion (including the right to be an atheist, i.e. freedom FROM religion).

    Until even recently, blasphemy was still considered a crime that warranted death; the last person executed in the UK for blasphemy was Thomas Aikenhead, a 20 yr old Scottish student from Edinburgh who publicly insulted God by comparing the Holy Bible to Aesop's fables, and being amazed at the populace's inability to see through the motives of the Church.

    From Wikipedia page, he wrote this on the morning of his execution:

    On the morning of 8 January 1697, Thomas wrote to his 'friends' that "it is a principle innate and co-natural to every man to have an insatiable inclination to the truth, and to seek for it as for hid treasure. . . So I proceeded until the more I thought thereon, the further I was from finding the verity I desired. . ."

    Although not executed, punishment for blasphemy continued in UK up until 1922, with the imprisonment of John Gott, who dared to publicly criticize Xianity.

    The United Kingdom finally abolished its laws against blasphemy (which were 'dead letter' laws anyway) in England and Wales only five years ago, in 2008!


  • jgnat

    Kind of reminds me of the "freedom from gayness" proponents.

    Some people just can't help but fix their neighbours, eh?

  • OneGenTwoGroups

    I am going to start a foundation called:

    Freedom From Round Earthers

  • Seraphim23

    Adamah I have of course read the bible which is one of the reasons why the FFAF is beyond me. Fair minded Christians like me might be beyond you also.

  • adamah

    Seraphim said- I have of course read the bible which is one of the reasons why the FFAF is beyond me.

    And that's why I explained the actual history of the actions of Bible believers, since that's the OTHER side of the story.

    Seraphim said- Fair minded Christians like me might be beyond you also.

    'Fair-minded Xians' are responsible for understanding the history of those who came before them and believed as they do, but are actually able to connect the dots for themselves.

    If you're not willing to throw out the Bible as a book of archaic and bigotry-loaded laws that arguably served a role in the ancient cultures of the past, then you're not be as open-minded or as ethical as you seem to think you are (or, you have a high tolerance for hypocrisy and selective reading, AKA cherry-picking the Bible, displaying a willingness to keep the parts your personal morality allows you to accept, but discarding the parts you don't agree with. That's YOUR morality in action, and not the Bible).

    Fact is, the Bible, BOTH OT and NT, literally prescribes gay-bashing, killing of atheists, slavery, etc, etc. eg there is no possible "but it's NOT to be taken as literal, but only as metaphorical" interpretation of scriptural passages that prescribe men who lie with men are to be stoned to death, and even excuses it by saying 'their blood is on their heads' (i.e. the ancient Hebrew metaphor that excuses their execution and the bloodguilt, saying they carry the bloodguilt, as if their death was a suicide, since they brought it upon themselves). The same sentiment is found in the NT, where it excludes homosexuals from inheriting the Kingdom of God.

    The ONLY reason you cannot follow God's Will nowadays is because secular law actually prohibits believers from doing so, as secular laws have for centuries now surpassed God's so-called "perfect" morality.


  • galaxie

    On the button adamah cherry picking the bible has caused the whole sorry mess IMO the JWs being probably the most prolific offenders.On the thread of atheism surely no one can deny that the human brain(that means ALL human beings)has an absolute limit beyond that limit who knows.After that its down to guess work and assumptions hence belief in gods then religions etc. All for usually some. form of control ring any bells anyone?

  • snare&racket

    Freedom from people who say "let's be honest we just don't know!"

    What utter bastards !

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