JW Prayer vs. Christian Prayer

by Faithful Witness 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    We studied for a few years with the JW's. The public prayers were often an endurance test, while holding exhausted babies. To be honest, I have forgotten the jist of most of their prayers. I have thankfully distanced ourselves far enough from this world, to have begun recovering my thinking mind.

    I know many here do not support any type of religion or belief in prayer. I'm still studying the Bible and learning about what it says about Jesus. We spend a lot of our time with Christians, and they talk a lot about prayer. They are constantly "praying for you." This is unsettling in a way, because even though I'm confident they are sincere, the "prayer request" circles sometimes seem more like gossip sessions.

    When I talk to a Christian friend about something I am facing (like trouble with the brakes on our van), she says, "I will be praying for you. The Lord has a plan, and it will be worked out in His way." I'm still having trouble finding comfort in this.

    Recent articles about prayer from the Watchtower are pretty disturbing, too. I guess I never realized they don't pray for people outside the walls of the WTS. This is even more strange, coming from Jehovah's chosen people.

    The more I read the Bible with my eyes open, the more I realize how FAR from its teachings the JW's live their lives.

  • quellycatface

    "I'll pray for you" sounds so bloody pompous, like you're the pope or something.practical assistance would be more appreciated and actions speak louder than words anyway.

  • jgnat

    Hubby is afraid to approach God, feeling he is not worthy.

    My daughter prays over every calamity and decision.

    My stepmom asks for our prayers as dad is very sick.

    I offer to pray along with all three.

  • punkofnice

    quell -

    "I'll pray for you" sounds so bloody pompous

    I agree 100%. It borders on and maybe even is hubris.

    I won't say much here......you know what I think about prayer.....as I told 2 JWs that called: 'You may as well pray to my back door as the results are the same...either..Yes, No or Maybe. Coincidence and your own efforts can make the outcome good. Then confirmation bias makes you believe what you want.' (Or something along those lines)

    Sorry, moving swiftly on................................................

  • Laika

    Practical assistance is obviously preferable, but not always possible.

    Jgnat, does your husband let you pray along with him? That would get him in trouble in the Kingdom Hall!

  • man in black
    man in black

    Jgnat, I really appreciate your comment !

  • jgnat

    Laika, he usually puts me off. I certainly won't tell him he is not supposed to. What is more natural than a couple to work out their troubles together?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    'tI can't stand people who talk about prayer in such a way. While they are praying for my tires, I will run to the service shop and get a diagnosis. It is my belief that Jesus wants me to prudent things. Let them pray.

    I also love how I watch homeless, starving children in some Godforsaken third world country and then hear them pray for their favorite music to be played on the radio. I want Jesus to focus on more important things. Others share my loathing. Sometimes I feel the JWs made me bitter. No one can ever appreciate the pain I endured. Words can't communicate how bad it was. When they tell me to thank Jesus for the experience, I let them have it. Altho I try not to memorize scriptures the way Witnesses do, such occasions show I do recall if I need to recall. I quote Jesus and cite scripture.

    You know the type of Christian who thanks God for killing their parent with extremely severe cancer. I want to attack. If I were not Christian, I could take it.

    While I am on a roll, I hate Joel Osteen or Joyce Meyer. Their teachings might be useful. It is just Jesus was not about material wealth.

  • trillaz

    Interesting that you make a distinction between the two groups but choose to call your non-JW friends Christians. Do you think they follow the teachings of Christ more? "I will pray for you" is a reaction and has as much sincerity as "bless you" after a sneeze, especially as many don't even know the origin of saying that.

  • losingit

    Idk why so many here see prayer as a cop out. It doesn't have to be. I appreciate hearing those words bc to me they communicate that the person cares about me and my well-being. I see it as sending good vibes out to the universe. Why not do this? Bc of superstition, you say? Please! Not everything needs to be black and white. Let ppl feel and share. That, to me, is one of the important functions of prayer.

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