Time To Pay Up...?

by Englishman 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I can't believe how tardy I have been in making a contribution to the running of this site. Like the ever visiting guest who drinks all your wine, eats your steak and complains that there is no loo paper, I have posted here for over a year, whinged, whined and moaned and done absolutely nothing to support it financially. What a wanker, eh?

    But now, having accepted the error of my ways, I have a dilemma to deal with. How much does it cost, monthly, say, to keep the show on the road? If I contribute a tenner a month, am I pulling my weight?

    I wanna pay my share!

    Simon, I need information!

    Many Thanks,


  • ozziepost

    Methinks there are many who feel as you do, Eman. Thanks for raising it.

    Any answers?


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • rekless

    Me thinks the membership cost should be posted at the time of setting up the accounrt, Me never knew there was cost involved in this forum.. Sorry me must be truly ignorant of what is involved.

    Advance heart & vascular Specialists
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    " This man saved my life, after my heart attack."

    Hell is truth seen too late. H.G.Adams

  • larc

    I think I know approximately what it costs him a month. My wife and Simon's wife correspond on a regular basis and my wife mentioned Simon's monthly costs, to me about 6 months ago. Perhaps, folks could email Simon for particulars, as I think he is hesitant to post this here. I have contributed some, but on a sporatic basis. I am thinking of setting up a regular monthly contribution through PayPal, so that it is something that Simon can count on.

    I doubt that the contributions that Simon receives cover his costs, but if contributions went up, that Simon is an honest man and would tell us that we can scale back on what we contribute.

    I know that Simon plans to make a major move, from the UK to Canada, and his costs here may be slowing the progress of this plan.

    Simon, I hope I haven't said anything here that is out of turn. I think that what I did write here is public knowledge.

  • Valis

    I imagine if even one third of the posting population gave Simon a fiver or a tenner every month, or even every other month, his burden would be lessened. I get at least that much out of the forum monthly from bad association alone...

    Vendor: "A fiver? I can't change a bloody fiver!!!"...
    Peter Sellers: "Well then, I say good man, have your hot doggie back."..takes a bite
    Vendor: "I'm not having that hot doggie back!"
    The train starts to pull away...vendor follows w/cart...
    Peter Sellers: "This then?"
    Train picks up speed...and vedor follows
    Vendor: "A tenner? I can't change a bloody tenner!!"....chases car then falls of train platform cart and all....

    From film, The Magic Christian


    District Overbeer

  • Dutchie

    I agree. I tried that PayPal thing, but I am afraid of it for some reason and so just don't know how to contribute. However, I would very much like to.

  • Earnest

    About six months ago Simon touched on this in the following thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=14921&site=3 and mentioned a couple of hundred dollars a month for the hosting. There is doubtless as much in unseen costs as well.

    Seats free...no collection...now where have I heard that before


  • larc


    Nothing is free, whether it is a Kingdom Hall or this discussion forum. The difference is that Simon is a young man, compared to me anyway, with a wife and two young sons. When I was his age, I could barely get by, and could not have afforded to do what he is doing. We all are very fortunate that he has devoted so much time and money on our behalf.

    No one is forced to contribute and Simon rarely brings up the subject.

    It is a conscience thing, as they say.

  • Mulan

    I did it with PayPal. I use that system all the time, in my internet sales businesses. Very easy and safe.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Earnest


    You said "No one is forced to contribute and Simon rarely brings up the subject." and that is just the point I was making in my reference to "no collection". I was simply teasing Simon with the similarity to WT practice.

    I quite agree with the sentiments expressed on this thread and have a great respect for what Simon does and the way he does it. Sorry it came over differently.


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