next week's bible reading (Gen. 1-5) stumpers.for your "in" family conversations & sly comments.

by prologos 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Jeffro


    1) vegetation made on day 3, animals formed day 5,6

    And on the fourth day, the Lord didst sayeth unto himselves, "ah crap, the vegetation isn't doing well. I'd better make the sun."

  • jonahstourguide

    Yes prologos, I see it now. Front men (animals) will do anything to

    talk to the new chick on the block!!!!! Probably just wanted to dance

    but his legs got pinched off him !!!!

  • prologos

    jefrro: good comment/question.

    actually the sun was made earlier, but the free-floating earth was captured by the sun's gravity and went into its permanent I AU orbit, and THUS the sun became the eart's day star.

    having fun so far?

    it all makes sense when you learn how to read between the bible's LIE ns.

  • Jeffro


    actually the sun was made earlier, but the free-floating earth was captured by the sun's gravity and went into its permanent I AU orbit, and THUS the sun became the eart's day star.

    yuhhuh... sure it was.

    That must be 'true', because that's the best way of 'reconciling' the obvious mythology in the Bible with reality.

  • prologos

    jeffro, and we all wonder why such a scientifically gifted creator would not even give a hint to his desert-nomad writers of what really went on. and

    they are still guessing.

    I am putting you on, and putting this up, to give the lurkers an idea what to expect, what to ex-(splaine, david), the final authority on all of this, 1/8 of the FADS GB.

    jeffro: right: frozen vegetables before refrigeration, so far or before the sun.

    jonah'stourguide. The snake did not know the soon* coming wt instructions: "only dancing partners allowed are marriage mates" no seduction attempts allowed.

    * "soon" as THIS generation, what is a few millenia between friends?

  • jonahstourguide

    Hang on,,,,,,, he didn't just have the seventh day off.

    What about the nights ??? Oh got it, the sun was the portable light tower

    and the hire company forgot to pick it up. Who is paying for the hire ?

  • Jeffro


    I am putting you on

    I'd never have guessed.

  • prologos

    today's meeting comments (or not):

    Abel, the vegetarian offered useless carrion on the altar. (not even cat food, they were vegetarians too) and got approval.

    Cain offered the only scarce resource, veggies, fruits, legumes eeked from the cursed ground, and got rejected for his genuine pains. figure.

    prove for evolution from the PO 's comment: "God created animals still AFTER Adam's arrival to have them right away named."

    so, the newly discovered species keep evolving, arrival of the fittest. BUT now we use greek to name them, more modern than adam.

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Can anyone suggest some GENUINE well-worded comments that we could make regarding any of these inconsistencies, for example, the order of events in creation, like "SOME say that such and such proves the bible to be hogwash but we know that it's easily explained by (insert lame excuse here)".. not enough to get rumbled but enough to show the cong that there ARE inconsistencies....?

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry


    Captain Blithering >>> Can anyone suggest some GENUINE well-worded comments that we could make regarding any of these inconsistencies

    Yeah, can do. From their own website in 2009.



    The house of (belief) cards comes crashing down as soon as the first piece is removed.


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