What Drew You To The Witnesses?

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • insearchoftruth4

    That was your mother cantleave!!!WOW

  • joe134cd

    Got dragged to th KH. Fought all the way. Then gave up my desire to fight.

  • finallysomepride

    Born in & dragged along

    actually in all reality i my parents or even one had not been a jw i wouldn't be here today.have been born.

  • minimus

    Closure takes time.

  • coffee_black

    Born in....


  • Ucantnome

    although i was raised as a witness and always felt i would never have joined if my parents hadn't. ( i felt lucky they had) when i was baptised it was because i wanted too and not because of my parents. i was about 13. i like God

    joining the theocratic ministry school was different that was my father.i would have been quite happy to be nothing at the hall no answering no carrying the microphone no demostrations no reading the watchtower no prayers no leading the field service arrangement no opening the service meeting. absolutely nothing. just come in sit there and leave.

    i pioneered and some still remember it. lol.

  • kaik

    I grew up in it from childhood. I did not choose it.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I wanted to know the real truth, from the time I was a child. I also dreamt up a world like the song Imagine, long before Imagine hit the radio waves. I did not believe the Bible at the time. I teetered between diest and the eastern lines of thought on spirituality. I was 17. It took many months of them talking to me and answering questions I didn't think there were any answers for. My brother died in there somewhere. I was living with my sister, who was studying. I did myself in really, because I felt they'd be happy if I asked questions.

  • FlyingHighNow

    My brother had a lot of doubts about his eastern beliefs when he died. He was 22 and I looked up to him a lot. I was left with a lot of painful questions when he died. I didn't think that his death influenced my decision to study a couple of months later, but probably it did.

  • Xanthippe

    My mother joined in 1953 before I was born. Personally I don't think she ever got over the death of her brother in WW2 which made her vulnerable to the cult.

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