Ladies attending a JC, be prepared for an Inquisition.

by Hecce 67 Replies latest members adult

  • Hecce

    This piece of advice should apply to anyone going in front of a JC. As a practical matter I don’t see why a person should submit itself to this ordeal, but this is specially truth in the situation of the females JWs.

    The majority of elders are full of the “Eve and Jezebel” mentality, a female has two strikes going in and she can expect to be submitted to a treatment that is degrading and demeaning.

    Some elders use the JCs for their own pervert satisfaction and will ask females intimate sexual details that are in essence not proper. Sometimes a female will be asked about things that are more suited to a porno movie that to a Christian procedure.

    Don’t be surprised about the disparity in results on a JC. I have seen many times a male witness reproved by a JC and the female counterpart DF even if they were guilty of the same offense.

    My impression is that these procedures are full of “machismo” and that a woman going in should be ready to assert her rights and defend her dignity. Don’t allow these petty dictators to abuse you but rather respond forcefully if the going turns into this improper path.

    Best advice: do not attend.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Were you summoned in to one of those tribunals?

  • Mum

    I am a female who appeared before a JC. The real reason for it was to try to get me to "confess to adultery" so my ex could marry his psycho JW "sweetheart." He was the one who had a "love interest" at the time, not I. But I had left for my sanity and moved to another state. I went back for the sake of my daughter, but now I wish I hadn't. They played "good cop-bad cop" with me. Fortunately, I did not lose my temper. They actually didn't DF me (nor did they have any grounds) and seemed to think I wanted to go back inside. Their treatment of me during that meeting freed me forever. I knew they were fakers then and that I had been duped for 17 years (converted at age 15, got out at age 32). After the JC meeting, I felt all the burdens lift off my shoulders and found a friend to have a drink to celebrate my liberation!

    "Don't go" may be the best advice for many. For me, while I resisted, I am glad I went and saw behind the curtain!

  • sir82

    I have seen many times a male witness reproved by a JC and the female counterpart DF even if they were guilty of the same offense.

    Technically, from a JW standpoint, there is no reason for this to be surprising. The decision to disfellowship is (putatively) based on the "degree of repentance", not the "offense".

    I.e,, in your example, a JW would say "the male was properly repentant, but the female was not repentant".

    Otherwise, yeah, it is a humiliating situation for any woman to have to go through.

  • likeabird

    My impression is that these procedures are full of “machismo” and that a woman going in should be ready to assert her rights and defend her dignity. Don’t allow these petty dictators to abuse you but rather respond forcefully if the going turns into this improper path.

    Don't forget that ladies count for nothing in borg land.

    And if you do "assert your rights and defend your dignity", then that will probably be used to kick you out. Standing up for yourself is definitely not a JW attribute.

  • Xanthippe

    Some elders use the JCs for their own pervert satisfaction and will ask females intimate sexual details that are in essence not proper. Sometimes a female will be asked about things that are more suited to a porno movie that to a Christian procedure.

    Reminds me of the Inquisitions where they just had to get a woman's clothes off to see if she had a third nipple and prove she was a witch.

  • LongHairGal


    I never attended one, but you ARE correct because I heard they ask inappropriate and probing questions more suited to voyeurs, perverts and morbid curiosity. Even outside a judicial committee, Jehovah's Witness men tend to overstep in general and think they can say anything they want to single women.

    The religion has the nerve to criticize the Catholic church's confessional, meanwhile the JWs are far more intrusive and hateful. At least the confessional is anonymous and the priest isn't really seeing the person (not that I agree with the idea but there's no comparison).

    In my opinion, a woman would have to have grudge against herself to tell strange men intimate details about herself. These nervy loser bastards deserve a KICK you-know-where.

    I'd tell them to drop dead.

  • label licker
    label licker

    If they want you out they will scheme at anything to get you out. You don't have to committ adultery to be treated like crap. I had to sit through six hours of lies and accusations in order to see who my accusers were. I'm glad I went to mine for everytime I run into my accusers one either starts to cry, the others run or the best one yet was the other day where she finally found out what the elders really did and how it was all a set up using her family as the stand in accusers. It's too bad they just made her twenty-five year old husband an elder. He was better off where he was three years ago when he was df'd. But hey, you do what the elders tell you to do and like him and her they both lied twice at the assemblies from the platform and both lied at my jc to cover up her brother who by the way just df'd.

    My words to you sisters, I was asked to have my husband NOT sit in with me at me jc because they had df'd him. It seems that's the only time the word headship goes out the window when these guys really want to pull the wool over your eyes. If it ever happens to you, you make sure you have another male in the room with you and never never go alone and be in the same room as these perverts. They have been programmed to think and act a certain way and you don't really see everything until your alone with them where they think they can't be caught. They think their labels give them the authority to mistreat ones any way they like.

    The elders are a joke but look where they get their training from, nothing but the best jerks on this earth- WBT$!

  • straightshooter

    Actually they are just human. There are good and bad in the borg. When I was an elder and sat in a jc with two unmarried individuals who committed fornication, the female received private reproof and the male was df. She was fortunate at the time to have had three brothers that really wanted to apply what was right. Sadly that does not happen most of the time. The good elders are removed or squashed and the bad elders are often times elevated and become "boss".


    I am a guy. I had to appear in a meeting to describe the sexual abuse that I experienced as a child. I had to say what happened in front of several Elders and the abuser. It was one the worst experiences of my life. I was in my 20's at the time, I can only imagine that it would be worse for a child or a sister, maybe not. To this day I get sick to my stomach when I think about it.

    My other recent experiences amounted to an inquisition. It was eye-opening and disgusting, sobering, ect..

    Depending on the circumstances, not going is awesome advice. The way things are handled is ridiculous. The Elders have no clue, and no training to deal with an type of counseling. They can only enforce WTBTS regulations. I will never go again. I will never drag my child before their kangaroo court either.


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