Bible Study and Theo Min School Review---WOW

by DS211 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BU2B

    Sickening isnt it?

  • BU2B

    Oh the smell of elitism and ignorance mixed together! How putrid the aroma.

  • LostGeneration

    My favorite quote from that brochure:

    Some Internet sites have been
    set up by opposers to spread false information about our organiza- tion. Their intent is to draw peo- ple away from serving Jehovah. We should avoid those sites.

    So funny. Its like the kool aid WT writer forgot this was a brochure that was going out to the "public". So Joe Public reads the brochure and gets to that point where he is going to be convinced not to research JWs simply because the author says so...


  • DS211

    Good point

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    We had similar comments at our meeting . My mouth was visibly hanging open at the ignorant 'Ooh it's the bogieman' type thinking going on. I had to shut it quick before someone noticed! Like on Kate wilds thread about the MEANING of apostates, I now realise how ad hominem the attacks are, how baseless, unfounded, and ignorant they are, and how much I was fooled for so long.

  • KateWild

    LG, I am not buying it there must be a dissenter in the writing dept look at this AWAKE! telling the reader to think critically about what is in the media. He might as well be looking at website and have the jw brochure in his hand. Its too obvious to be dumb, there is a dissenter with a crisis of conscience in the ranks. I am sure of it. Kate xx

  • LostGeneration

    Who knows Kate?

    The thing of it is the GB is the so-called "editorial board". They have brought out over and over that everything is signed off on by three GB members. So what does that say about their editing skill set? Not much.

  • KateWild

    three GB members- LG

    The thre stooges hahaha, nah one of them must be a Ray Franz, mark my words he's gotta be, it's a multi-billion dollar conglomerate, they have high IQs, thats just my view though.

    Kate xx

  • DS211

    The one thing for sure is they know about these sites...whether its a returning JW who "told on us" or the increased partakers....the point is they know.

  • scoobydont

    @ DS211

    That is so funny ! Now, does your wife normally view these "apostate" sites with you or does she simply "debrief" you after you have had a brainful of apostacy on your own !?

    I lurked on these websites for ages, on my own, before I found the courage to tell my Mrs that I was leaving the organisation. In one sentence, on one night, I laid my marriage, family life and shelter on the line, not knowing how she was going to react !

    I don't know how I did it but I do know why I did it on that night. The wife had come home late from the hairdresser's and we were in bed discussing what to pack for lunch over the next couple of days as our assembly was starting the next day. Suddenly, it felt like a bridge too far with the organisation - I just couldn't put my life on hold for another couple of days to sit through a barrage of some cleverly crafted "thruths" from an organisation that did nothing for you but could do anything to you !

    I jumped out of bed and began pacing along my side of the bed, contemplating the possible fall-out of what I was about to say to my wife. Puzzled, she looked at me and asked what the matter was. Something inside my head just took over and I simply said I wasn't going to the assembly. Of course, there was the automatic response - "why?"

    In answer, I began with a detailed account of all I have come to know about the organisation's history and followed up with the failed prophecies and the gap between teachings and practices such as the variation in policy from one nation to another, on the subject of blood tranfusion; the organisation's willingness to "cut" deals in countries opposed to the faith in order to gain acceptance, resulting in the setting aside of long-held beliefs and teachings. Added to those were my personal doubts about some core teachings.

    Anyway, my wife is no slouch when it comes to spiritual matters. She was a pioneer. Long story short, I handed her a copy of Ray Franz's Crisis of Conscience which I had been reading in secret. She devoured it in less than 3 days (yes, you guessed it, she did not attend the assembly either) She also found out about the UN connection and the hedge fund.

    The following week, she called up the elders and sternly told them that she was leaving the organisation. She carried out her words and although the elders did pay us a number of visits to discuss our leaving, we refused to discuss our reasons with them. We just didn't want to give them the pleasure of having to disfellowship us. Since leaving the organisation, I feel so much relief as I am now able to study the Bible from a different perspective.

    Oh, we are now being shunned on the street which, I guess, means that an announcement has gone out from the platform that we are no longer JWs. How terrible ! I really miss the organisation, NOT !

    Please, DS211, be careful if you have to drop the bomb like I did. Seeing how others have fared, after breaking the news to their family that they were leaving the organisation, I really consider myself fortunate that my wife did not question my intention but decided to investigate matters for herself.

    All the best and, keep supplying your one-liners !

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