The Total Embracing Of The Internet - How Will It All End?

by baldeagle 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • baldeagle

    I haven’t been to a meeting in four years. During that time I completed a successful fade from the organization after almost 40 years being baptized. It seems nothing anymore will surprise or shock me with these latest bunch of Brooklyn leaders. I was told that it was announced at our recent mid-week meeting that the Kingdom Hall is now Wi-Fi capable and all are encouraged to use it during the meeting. The brother said that any who forgot meeting materials at home, like a magazine or other references for a meeting part can now log on with their devices to and follow along etc. No official WTS letter was read at the hall on this subject. I’m assuming it must be left up to individual congregations to decide. The person who called me about this said that some tested their connection at the hall and were able to update their Facebook accounts. (Hilarious) Maybe in time these sites will be blocked.

    I am totally perplexed at this complete embracing of the evil internet. Over the years when we had our elders meetings on Thursday nights with the C.O. the internet almost always came up for discussion. The CO would tell us that scores of MS’s and Elders were being removed across the circuit because of easily available porn that these men, from all walks of life were viewing. He also appealed to those currently serving as a MS or Elder who had viewed porn, or violent videos, or listened to debasing music, to come forward for spiritual help, since they no longer qualified to serve. This is a huge problem worldwide.

    I understand the WTS having to adapt to the digital age that we’ve all accepted as part of everyday life. I understand the cost savings in printing, shipping and inventory. All major companies have had to adjust and change in order to stay in business, I get it.

    But what I’ve learned in my forty years on the inside is that JW’s can be “obedient to a fault” in many things; (shunning family, no blood, no higher education, don’t call the police first re: pedophiles etc.). However they can also be overly curious, devious, and disobedient due to their repressed and frustrated upbringing. So the internet should be the last thing to tell JW’s to embrace and welcome at every level. Curiosity and basic human imperfectionwill cause thousands more worldwide to view, read, and listen to what the WTS clearly forbids!! Do the Brooklyn 8 really and truly think this will end well? Will this really produce better, stronger and more mature JW’s?

    We all remember this announcement at every district convention year after year, “Brothers, please refrain from taking flash photos during the drama since they provide no benefit, and only serve to distract others, so please be loving and cooperative in this matter.” Seems easy enough to comply with.

    After that announcement I would automatically look at my watch and within less than 10 seconds, dozens of flashes would start going off throughout the auditorium. Simple instructions instantly disobeyed!

    So now does the GB really expect millions of repressed, micromanaged, exasperated people(young & old) with a computer in the privacy of their own home, to surf only where they command?? Some will definitely stick only to, but many won’t!!

  • besty

    Very interesting baldeagle - thanks for sharing that perspective - may i ask what country or region you are in?

    GB2.0 seem to have cast their lot in with the Internet as a key part of their strategy - must have been the oldies like Jaracz and Barr holding it back. The onus is us to make our stories available, use social media responsibly and be welcoming to newbies :-)

    Oh and BTW - welcome to JWN - please stick around!!!

  • baldeagle

    To Besty: East-Central Canada

  • valkyrie

    the Kingdom Hall is now Wi-Fi capable and all are encouraged to use it during the meeting

    Watch out Starbucks! JWKH is the new free wi-fi hotspot; just BYOT (t=thermos), settle in an upright chair - back row, naturally - and surf to your heart's content.

    [Discreet earplugs advised.]

  • zeb

    who would want photos of dramas anyways Unless perhaps there was someone you knew taking part?

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    The Org's motives for encouraging (soon to be 'directing') Witnesses to use iPads, embrace the Internet, and promote JW.ORG at every opportunity, seems to indicate (to me!) that the sheep are being "primed" for future announcements regarding the use of such technology to source the latest publications etc., rather than the Org having to produce hard copies of literature and actual DVD discs of propaganda.

    Many Witnesses already feel that they are helping 'Mother' by printing out their own Convention/Circuit Assembly/S.A.D. programs. The financial savings for the Org will be tremendous!

    The world has had E - books for years; soon we will have the E - Literature Department for the majority of Witnesses!

  • besty

    I wonder what that will do to their loss-making religion?

    (I distinguish their property and investment operations from their publishing and religious activities)

    Consumers already expect 'free' when it comes to low-value digital content. If I was the WTS I would seriously consider a subscription model with an eat as much as you can electronic distribution of books and magazines with various tiers granting hard copy privileges. (Oh and just be done with it and eat the sales tax - lets be honest about the business side of things - they can probably cling to charitable status for a few decades more)

  • Syme

    baldeagle: Excellent article on this hot topic!

    It may seem absurd that the .Org now embraces the Internet in such a sudden (and almost funny) turn of policy, but I suspect (as most do) that the reason is the simplest of all: MONEY. The world economic crisis couldn't but affect the WTS for good. All those things with the "dangers" of the Internet may be good (so to speak), but the economic is *the* greatest factor. It is the one which allows any company (and religion) to survive. First we see what we can to to overcome the economic crisis, and the moral dangers come second. If along the way some jws visit 'wrong' websites and fade/leave, well, you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs!

  • fastJehu

    @ baldeagle

    In our cong the elders have to deal with the problem, that a lot of JWs (mostly older ones) have NO internet at home. But they want to buy a tablet.

    To buy a (cheap) tablet is no problem for them - but how to load all the theocratic stuff. The costs for internet in 1 year at home is in our country more then the coast of a cheap tablet. Some don't have the money for internet at home.

    So the help of experienced ones is needed. The easiest way is WiFi at the hall. In our hall we have WiFi, but only for the CO appartment. So only the CO and 2 or 3 other elders know the password. I think, in future they will open it also for all JWs in the hall.


    Bald Eagle, these statements are great:

    1) "However they can also be overly curious, devious, and disobedient due to their repressed and frustrated upbringing."

    2) "So now does the GB really expect millions of repressed, micromanaged, exasperated people(young & old) with a computer in the privacy of their own home, to surf only where they command??"

    I used to always volunteer at conventions for parking duty. If anyone has done this, they realize what it's like trying to direct repressed, micromanaged, and exasperated people. The sheeple have literally had the capacity to make their own decisions bred out of them for the most part. A simple thing like leaving a staduim parking lot becomes a herculean task. It happens because of the characteristics that you mentioned. You have a large percentange of dubs who probably called the WTBTS the morning of the convention for help getting dressed, and the rest are rebels who pay for parking in "worldly" lots.

    So what will happen in 2014 with the internet? It's hard to say. There are many JWs who will not disobey the GB, because they worship their collective Pope. Those dubs will be the last to remain in the ORG if it goes down in our lifetime, IMO. A huge scandal may cause some to wake up and start thinking for themselves, but it's hard to say for sure.

    I do think it's all about the money. It will be neatly presented as a progressive refinement from the SLAVE, but it's about the $$$. You are not a progressive organization when you jump on the internet band-wagon 10 years after most other religions. Really, it's about $$$, and the added bonus of JWs feeling that their religion is "normal." Can you imagine dubs having to explain to the public why they are not allowed to use the satanic internet? This whole re-branding with JW.ORG seems like common sense to many, but from the JW leadership perspective, it was genius.

    Jws can now hold their heads up high. They are part of the most cutting-edge and progressive organization in all of human history!


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