My mother tried to "friend" reply

by mzmmom 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • NewYork44M

    Excellent email. You set the right tone. Perhaps it will mean something; if not no one can say you did not try.

    Best wishes for a successful 2014 and the rest of your life. Remember that success and happiness are the best revenge.

  • LV101

    Amazing - always remember a real Mom means more than being an egg donor that follows men/religion.

    Takes a lot of emotional strength/moxie to take the position you have.

    Best to you.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Are you saying that you are shunning your mother?

  • TheStumbler

    Your letter is very affecting and I think you made the point well that your mum is responsible for her actions (of shunning), not you. It was her decision to shun you, not yours.

    If there is a relationship left to be salvaged then I hope you find a way.

  • smiddy


    While I congratulate you on your reply to your mother for what you said , it did sound like you were now shunning her .While I can understand your anger and hurt for the way she has treated you , by trying to befreind you on FB , she may have been softening on her stance .Please dont blow that oppurtunity away. Keep the door to communication open under YOUR conditions . People do change , thats why we are all here. All the best .


  • FlyingHighNow

    I agree with Smiddy. My policy with family, especially with the JWs, as long as we can be peaceful and respectful, we can talk. If you shun me, it's your choice. My arms are open, my heart is open to you. All I ask is that you be peacefull and loving. You can always contact me.

  • Fernando

    I'm happy for you and this opportunity that came your way, mzmmom.

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