Need help from JW History Buffs

by ILoveTTATT 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    What about the Equal Protection Clause argument that one need not be a member of a specific religious group to claim exemption? Courts grant broad powers to the state for public health concerns. Do they still argue against vaccination? I get confused. There haven't been cases of the state chasing down JWs to vaccinate their children.

    I can't believe that my mom had to sneak vaccines for my brother and myself. Oh, the worry about aluminum, too.

    If an article is unsigned, I understand that the editorial board endorsed it, which brings us to another question, who is the editorial board for the WT? I never understood about writing commitees, etc. By the time I was old enough to understand such matters, my focus was on escaping at the first opportunity.

  • ILoveTTATT

    I saw an article and I was soooo WTF'd about it that I have to post it here:

    I found it in the Golden Age of July 18, 1934. Its title: Value of Indulgenced Ejaculations...

    When I saw the title I was like WTF????????!?!?!

    So when I read it, I got to know that "ejaculation" back in 1934 meant something totally different. There truly IS something about "Mary"!

    "At least that would be the case were it not for the fact that "Mary" occurs in this second ejaculation,"...

    It was talking about Catholic Indulgences...

  • baldeagle

    WT February 15, 1952 p. 128 Announcements

    Friends of the truth throughout the earth will be interested to learn of the death of one who played a prominent part in the affairs of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society for many years, Clayton J. Woodworth.

    Brother Woodworth was made editor of the Society’s newly introduced magazine The Golden Age. He remained editor when the magazine’s name was changed to Consolation in 1937, to carry on as such until 1946. Because of advancing years he was relieved of this when the magazine was given a new change of name to Awake!

    He died at the ripe old age of 81, loyal to the faith and unwaveringly devoted to the theocratic organization, on December 18, 1951, at 4 a.m.

    Its common knowledge that Rutherford appointed his buddy Clayton J. Woodworth to manage and be the editor and decision maker of the The Golden Age and Consolation magazines. It was during his tenure that Woodworth allowed the understanding and opposition towards vaccines to manifest and become doctrine for several decades. Some very bizarre and unsavory comments were printed in order for JW’s to feel revulsion towards accepting vaccinations. Interestingly, only one year after Clayton J. Woodworth died the WT December 15, 1952immediately released “New Light” and completely rescinded and overturned all the decades’ long teachings. Some have suggested that the WTS wanted to do this much sooner but out of respect, courtesy and to avoid embarrassment for Brother Woodworth they waited until after he died. Below is that Watchtower with my italics and highlighting.

    WT December 15, 1952 p. 764 Questions From Readers

    ● Is vaccination a violation of God’s law forbidding the taking of blood into the system? G. C. North Carolina.

    The matter of vaccination is one for the individual that has to face it to decide for himself. Each individual has to take the consequences for whatever position and action he takes toward a case of compulsory vaccination, doing so according to his own conscienceand his appreciation of what is for good health and the interests of advancing God’s work. And our Society cannot afford to be drawn into the affair legally or take the responsibility for the way the case turns out.

    After consideration of the matter, it does not appear to usto bein violationof the everlasting covenant made with Noah, as set down in Genesis 9:4, (Verse 4: Only flesh with its soul—its blood—YOU must not eat.) nor contrary to God’s related commandment at Leviticus 17:10-14.

    Most certainlyit cannot reasonably or Scripturally be argued and proved that, by being vaccinated, the inoculated person is either eating or drinking blood and consuming it as foodor receiving a blood transfusion.

    Vaccination does not bear any relationshipto or any likeness to the intermarriage of angelic “sons of God” with the daughters of men,as described in Genesis 6:1-4.

    Neither can it be put in the same class as described at Leviticus 18:23, 24, which forbids the mingling of humans with animals. It has nothing to do with sex relations.(Verse 23: “‘And you must not give your emission to any beast to become unclean by it, and a woman should not stand before a beast to have connection with it. It is a violation of what is natural.)

    Hence all objection to vaccination on Scriptural grounds seems to be lacking. Medical science, in fact, claims that vaccination actually results in building up the vitality of the blood to resist the disease against which the person is inoculated. But, of course, that is a question for each individual concerned to decide for himselfand as he sees it to be Jehovah’s will for him. We merely offer the above information on request, but can assume no responsibility for the decision and course the reader may take.

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    This is a FASCINATING thread, so we'll researched, well done!

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Woodworth was definitely one of the strangest men in the wt in the pre WW2 era. He apparently had a free hand in editing the 'Golden Age' and 'Consolation'. I think that if we really knew all the facts we would find that 90 percent of the really bizarre content of those magazines was Woodworth's own ideas. Have to admit though that he had some intelligence, however misguided.

    A few facts about him I can recall:

    single handedly compiled the first Index to WT literature. It was called 'Gems from the mine' and covered all six Studies and 30 yrs of the Zion's WT thru 1909. A tremendous task back then.

    co wrote the Finished Mystery in '17.

    went to jail with Rutherford in 1918.

    worked secularly as an instructor for ICC, a correspondence school based in Scranton PA. I never heard what subject he taught.

  • ILoveTTATT

    Ok so... my biggest hurdle right now is getting over the "Faith in the March" book...

    We know it's a piece of JW propaganda bullshit.... but I am writing my article for a JW audience, in the hopes of waking up SOME.

    TD has mentioned that the WT softened its stance towards vaccinations in the 1940's... and oficially removed all objections in 1952.

    How did McMillan "get away" with telling the prisoners stuff that was, technically, against official WT policy?

    (Please read Faith on the March, p. 187-191. It is very telling of how quickly JW's will accept anything that the WT or someone high up in the WT says is OK to do)...

  • problemaddict


    Well done. Keep it up. I would love to read what you have going when you are further along.

  • ILoveTTATT

    OMG! OMG! OMG! I found another GEM!!

    Golden Age, June 16, 1937 p.601-602, an article written by none other than O.R. Moyle!!

    Someone attacked the WT and Rutherford... and O.R. Moyle wrote the following rebuttal:

    "Credit must be given where credit is due, however, and we find on careful examination that there are a few truthful statements in the

    article, to which reference is here made. The Golden Age is mentioned, and it is alleged that the said Golden Age (1) denies the beneficial

    effects of vaccination [...] The Golden Age admits these statements to be true. And it has the facts, the probata, if you please, to support the allegations. That is just the difference between this Iris Brown person and The Golden Age. The Golden Age has some regard for facts. Its articles are supported by facts."



  • ILoveTTATT

    Unfortunately, I am missing the key years of 1943-1945... but I can tell you one thing that I found...

    The Awake magazine had anti-vaccination stuff... there were some negative statements in the first few Awakes... 1947....

    Then by 1950 a mention of vaccination was ambiguous... just mentioned it...

    By 1952, the about-face!! Polio vaccination hailed as a "medical advancement!"


  • ILoveTTATT

    I really am having a hard time with the "Faith on the March" hurdle. It seems like vaccinations, although the Witnesses made it a "Scriptural" requirement, they were probably not too big on enforcement... It seems like the dozens of extremely biased and negative articles were enough to make most reject them, without the Scriptural big stick...

    Maybe that's how McMillan got away with going against official WT policy.

    Another theory I have uses Occam's Razor: McMillan was a revisionist.

    Yet another theory is that McMillan knew about Bethelite policy and the poor people in jail were not aware that WT officials who travelled had to be vaccinated.

    (Maybe I should place the quote from McMillan's book so you know what I am talking about)

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