BOE letter: New lights new changes

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  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    No worries everyone. For those of you who want to see this BOE letter for yourself, Atlantis will have a copy of this letter soon enough. Just email him.

  • leaving_quietly

    Scholars hold varying views, so we cannot be dogmatic about this meaning.

    This may very well be the change.

    Original version:

    "Jehovah" literally means "He Causes to Become." True, he brought all things into existence. That in itself is an awe-inspiring point. But is that the point of God's name? Moses evidently wanted to learn more. You see, the divine name was not new. People had been using it for centuries.

    Updated version:

    "Jehovah" is understood to mean "He Causes to Become." He is unique in all the universe, for he brought all things into existence, and he causes all his purposes to be fulfilled. That is an awe-inspiring thought. But is there another facet to the meaning of God's name? You see, he knew that Jehovah is the Creator, and he knew God's name. The divine name was not new. People had been using it for centuries.

    There's more in the next paragraph.

    Original version:

    In response Jehovah explained the meaning of his name.

    New version:

    In response Jehovah revealed a thrilling aspect of his personality, something that is related to the meaning of his name.

    I'm sure there's more, but I don't want to do a line-by-line comparison today.

  • LostGeneration

    Must be the new and improved Jehovah for 2014


    BOE letter: New lights new changes


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  • bigmac

    he who used to be what he was--but now wants to learn how to ride a bicycle.

  • VM44

    "Some changes involving our understanding of the meaning of God’s name and what it represents have been made to the first chapter of Draw Close to Jehovah."

    What changes in their understanding of God's name and what it repreents?

    The Watchtower understands God's name to be JEHOVAH (YHWH).

    God's name, Jehovah, represents the creator of all things.

    How can The Watchotwer's understanding change from that?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Stuff like this is music to my ears.

    My parents live where broadband is very expensive. And they are not technically skilled. WT's words are still very fixed in their heads that the Interwebs are only for distributing porn, ruining marriages, and spreading apostacy, a complete tool of the devil. But since some children need it for satanic homework and adults may need it for satanic jobs, the GB instructs that the Interwebs should only be accessible on one computer located in a very public area of the "true Christian" home.

    LOL. That's certainly "old light". Now dubs need to have Internet access everywhere and are using those devices during the meeting that had been previously considered as expensive tools of the devil. My parent's don't like this sudden feeling that they're left behind because they are still using printed publications that are getting thinner and constantly out-of-date.

    And now they're supposed to go to their neighbors and tell them to learn about JWs on the Internet? LOL. This is wonderful. By all means, everyone should go on the Internet and google "Jehovah's Witness". Since there's only one "official and approved" website, the very first page of results will have all sorts of interesting links to TTATT!

  • leaving_quietly

    VM44 . . . read my comment above. In thinking about their statement in the appendix in the revised NWT ("Scholars hold varying views, so we cannot be dogmatic about this meaning") I consider this to mean: we *think* this is right, but we're not quite sure. The changes I saw in the Draw Close book reflect that... from: '"Jehovah" literally means...' to '"Jehovah" is understood to mean...'

  • Viva la Vida
    Viva la Vida

    VM44 good point…

    I was thinking what they mean by God’s name “meaning”...

    The meaning of Jehovah (or whatever you want to render YHWY) is the almighty God… Period…

    If by "meaning" they mean what ancient Hebrew speaking people understood by YHWY? I think the answer is the same they meant the almighty god…

    If they are referring to the root of the word I think their reasoning is very complicated for us and especially for someone living 5000 years ago… If YHWY is derived from a verb meaning “to become” I think it can simple mean “the Maker” or “the Creator” (as the “Becamer” of all things)… In that case why the WT has to complicate everything…

    But I’m not scholar neither English is my first language…

  • processor

    They'll also modify the cover page:

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