The Gospel was preachedthroughout the world in the 1st century

by maccauk11 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • maccauk11

    "Truly i tell you ( those standing infrontof The Messiah) staring him in the face."Some of you will not die until you see the son of man coming in his KIngdom". He repeated that also to the HIgh priest. Im saying all things have been fulfilled, the KIngodm is here spritually . The end was about the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple to end the pyhsical old covenant and to begin anew spiritual everlasting covenant

  • designs

    Boy are you ignorant on more than a few levels....

  • maccauk11

    All prophecy was fulfilled in that 1st century. He cameback for them and tookthem to rule with himin the KIngdom. All claims after this are adeception, you are enslaved and indoctrinated emotionally, mentally and physcologically by men

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    You can believe what you choose to believe. You have made no convincing argument. The problem is that the Bible was written long after the destruction of Jerusalem. Most scholars believe the author added the statement to bolster Jesus' record as a prophet. It is clear example of the Church altering the sayings of Jesus.

    The Gospel has not been preached throughout the world even in our own centuries. The world is a large place. There are still groups that have no contact with the outside world.

  • designs

    Does physcologically hurt

  • Crazyguy

    Some of the gospels may have been written after the fall of Jerusalem, but most then would have talked about the things jesus said with out having to read them. Many scholars believe now that Revelations was written in and around the early 60's Ce and not as late as 98. And as for the gospel being preached to the whole world, maybe this is a miss translation because in luke and the term whole world was used about the emporer taking a census and we know the roman empire did not span the whole world. Just things to think about.

  • maccauk11

    That proves they were talking about the diaspora or the jewish world .The language used in the bible is hyperbole,symbolic and metaphors. This same languag ewas used in all jewsih writingsand the old testament. Revelation was taken from old prophets like Iasiah. SOme of the prohecies concerning wars jews were involved in used the same end of world language but it reffered to the end of local wars in andaround Israel

  • Crazyguy

    A lot of similairities between the book of Revelations and Zechariah or zephaniah can't remember which one.

  • darth frosty
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "whole world" = "Roman empire of the first century AD"

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