Can the elders make up stuff to make sure that a brother pretty much never gets to be elder?

by toto555 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    It is more of strecthing the out truth for the better or worse.

    I was instrumental in getting a fellow Elder deleted because I felt he babied his adult son too much and I felt the boy(25 years old) just liked to play alot, live off his parents, do as little work as possible, setting a bad example for our youth.

    After my deletion, I went back to this Brother and apologized for my immature behavior and begged for his forgiveness. The way he handled his son was none of my business and should not have influenced my treatment of him.

    He forgave me and we now have a great relationship!

    His son is married and now a MS, and this Brother just got re-appointed as an Elder.

  • flipper

    Amen to everything you say. I have observed this MANY times I was in the JW's for 44 years. Praise the lord Jesus for your honesty and recognition of this fact . Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • stillin

    I was never one to suck up. I mind my manners but I'm not awe-stricken by the wisdom among the elders.

    A new elder moved into the area and after a few months he asked me if I would like to carry the mikes. I said sure, why not? And he proceeded to tell me that the elders had told him that I would never carry the mikes because I thought I was too good for that! WTH?

    so maybe I'm just not much of a team player. My interests are a little more on the intellectual side than most of these guys. Maybe that skeers them.

    Thank goodness I never really cared about it one way or the other! It has helped me to, fade from what?

    Pour COBOE is a snake, though. Even the CO has tipped me off about his lies.

    Weird bunch of people.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have seen bodies of elders blow the littlest things out of proportion to make sure someone wasn't appointed an elder. If the guy is getting in his slightly above average hours in recruiting (better than the elders) then the one against him will say he is "always" late for field recruiting (which may mean he was late once or twice) or that he "always" works with just his wife (which may mean that, like everyone else, he has his wife in his car group).

  • Pistoff

    How about this:

    Our CO, years back, told an elder friend of mine not to go to the DO about an inflammatory and damaging comment the CO had made to the elders about an open JC case; he said, if you keep this to yourself, everything will be just fine.

    Well, my friend (miss ya Jerry) went to the DO anyway, the CO got dressed down by the DO and my friend was booted off the body along with several others.

    It took him years to be reinstated; he said that his local body (by now he had moved to another state) told him that Bethel kept rejecting the recommendation of the body.

    Meanwhile, my friend did very well in his business, and had contributed a large sum of money to NY headquarters.

    Lo and behold, he was finally made an elder.

    What do you make of this?


    I became an M.S. to truly help the Elders and the congregation from the heart( also to get married lol). After serving as an M.S. for several months I begin to see the real politics behind the curtain, and my joys of serving became sorrows... I was just going through the motions trying to figure out how this could be GODS organization??? At the time I had no idea about TTATT. I was just forcing myself to believe it had to be the truth and this is just the way GOD directs things so it has to be okay! SMH! My desire to become a elder was no existent, my desire to continue as a M.S. was also gone, so I was just going through the motions to not step down and cause a commotion... The JW theology is such a JOKE!

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