welcome new poster Jen1 on my thread 'making connections'

by losingit 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • arwen

    Welcome Jen1.. you will find true friends here.. vent as much as you want.. we have all done it.. x0

  • 3rdgen

    Welcome Welcome, Jen1, from Gen3. Believe me I hear you! You have come to the right place. I don't know where i would be without JWN. Keep posting!

  • flipper

    JEN 1- Welcome to the board my friend. The things you mentioned about injustices and lack of real love or concern from JW elders and others was a big factor in my exiting about 10 years ago from the JW organization. Faded like you with some extended family still in. But happy to have my sanity and freedom of mind. Remember we are here for you as a support and offer our unconditional friendship to you and your husband. We've " been there, done that " so many of us understand your situation. Hang in there, take care of yourself and hubby and we'll catch you on the flipside

  • problemaddict


    Stick around. Do some reading, learn some things, figure yourself out. Don't talk to others abotu your doubts (yet), and picture what you would like your life to be and have it in mind to get you through the hard times ahead.

    VERY IMPORTANT. Remember the elders are just some dudes. You do not owe them anything. Our training kicks in to fear them and listen to them....but they are basically strangers to you and yours. You do not need to indulge them, nor be rude to them. Just like a stranger. Once you separate that out, it becomes easier.

    I am sorry to hear about your husband. I don't know your age. Are you guys older? What part of the world are you from? (if you don't mind the question of course).

    I am from sunny San Diego!

  • crmsicl

    Welcome Jen1

  • happy@last

    Welcome here, it'sgood to have you.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    WELCOME JEN1 , You are not alone ....sadly so many good people have been beaten down emotionally in the organization just like you .

    ' I consider myself to be a kind hearted person. Caring. The problem is jws make you feel bad/wicked for not going on service/not attending meetings/not being on service meeting/etc etc etc. And that eats away at you. '

    Exactly how I began to feel while in the religion . Instead of being built up and engouraged for just being a caring good person you are torn down ,because 'your numbers' are not good enough .

    I am so glad you found this site and are now beginning the healing process . Be free . Enjoy your life .

  • cantleave


  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Hello and welcome, Jen1! It's so true, reading and venting on this forum is some of the best de-programming help you can get! That's been my experience, anyway.

    Hope to see you on here all the time. My husband and I have recently sent our disassociation letter but we've been out at least a couple years, can't remember just exactly when my last meeting was. We started studying in 1985 and got baptized in '86. We wasted many years of our lives worrying about being good enough for the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

    Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz helped me realize what the JW's are all about. Mostly mind control! It's hard to think for yourself after you leave the WT.

    We are enjoying Christmas this year for the first time since 1984. My granddaughter is 14 and this will be her first Christmas. We've got a lot of living to catch up on, that's for sure.

    I hope so much that your husband gets to feeling better, and best wishes to you both.


  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    Get away from these people as fast as you can. It's a dangerous vicious self serving cult. It's full of Narcissists and narcissistic suppliers. The entire drama is driven by the availability of narcissistic supply. It sounds like you are a narcissistic supplier for those elders wives and the knitting club. Get away from this crazy group of people.

    Save yourself. Save your kids. Tell them all to pound sand and save yourself.

    These jw's are crazy and they mean to infect you with their group think nonsense.

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