Christmas presents--"We get things all year"??

by WTWizard 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    I have heard that line of rubbish more times from the platform, especially around this time of year. Yet, given the number of children with few or no toys, about 90% of the time, they get little or nothing year round. Sometimes it is because of poverty, often induced because the parents are supposed to cut back on their work and pious-sneer or donate excessive amounts to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund (or both). Other times, it is because the parents believe too many toys is bad for spirituality.

    Now, one fine example I was privy to observe was at a Grand Boasting Session. There were 3 children that appeared relatively poor, as the parents drove about 120 km each way each day to the session instead of the motel (though that alone could be because of the bedbug infested dumps on the list). Among them was a Happy Meal binoculars. As one could imagine, that thing was of crap quality with severe distortion due to cheap plastic optics. However, the way they acted toward that thing, that was probably their first encounter with anything that resembled a toy in their lives. I happened to have a toy calculator, in the shape of a crayon with a membrane keyboard that pulled out (and a sealed battery). I let them play with that--it got ruined because it too was cheap crap. Examples like this indicate that plenty of witless children rarely to never get toys to play with.

    Now, granted there are probably some that get their share of toys. However, I have seen plenty of children in field circus playing with sticks, doodling in books with pencils, and playing with empty Tic Tac boxes (and getting their share of spankings and beatings for doing so). Their parents' attitude: If they don't have much to play with, they won't be whining to go in from field circus and will be more willing to stay out all afternoon without complaining. No wonder so many of them rarely get toys, even if the parents can afford them.

    And, with the recent washtowel hounding parents to cut back on work and donate all their spare money to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, I am expecting this to get much worse. Parents that don't have much money can't give their children toys. And what little they do have goes toward donations. Money wasted on suit dry cleanings, gas, and car maintenance is money that can't buy toys. Also, if they drop a day of work so they can do more field circus, that is a day's pay that they cannot use for playthings. While things with unemployment and the prospect of hyperinflation in the not so distant future crimp Christmas for everyone, at least they aren't hounded to cut back on work so they can do more churches. Or give more to their church (and, if they are hounded too much, most of them have the option of retorting "If you are going to keep hounding me to donate more, you aren't getting anything at all" or quitting their church). Try that with the jokehovians.

  • clarity

    WTWizard .... this one really stinks doesn't it!


    Immediately after the "we get presents all year" is

    said ..... the case is closed/solved & forgotten!

    Presents all year my ass! What ?...a cheap toy

    thrown in the grocery cart! No anticipation,

    no nice wrappings .....omg so austere, so joyless

    & impersonal....... make sure the kid knows he/she

    does not really deserve it .... just a bit of undeserved

    kindness ... that's all. :-( Hey kid you are not special,

    only jehoba is special!!!!!!!


    I guess all the jw kids can hardly wait until all the fun

    dies down and it is BOXING DAY ...when mom picks up

    those slightly roughed-up, stale toy left overs & mitts

    from xmas!! Omg... I cry for them & us ...who have

    been touched by WT!!!!!!!!


  • 144001


    You are aptly named. Wow, you hit the nail on the head with your post. I'd like to expand it a bit. The reality is, the WTBTS goes out of its way to make the lives of the children of JWs as miserable as they could possibly be. Denying kids Christmas is just a small part of the WTBTS war on children. The governing body deserves to be tarred and feathered for the horrible impact their organization has had on children.

  • fastJehu

    "We get things all year"

    Realy? As a born in (since around 60 years) I can only say: BIGGEST lie of all.

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    I got some presents after I graduated from high school. It's kind of funny in hindsight because one of the presents was the following.......

    17 years old, just graduated from high school, and I got one of these as a gift. The couple meant well, and I still love them, but in hindsight it's just laughably strange. 17 years old and I got a briefcase as a high school graduation gift.

    Oh and yeah, there's never been a moment in my life where I recieved gifts throughout the year. In fact, I haven't recieved a gift in years. Wouldn't expect any gifts either and I guess that's just something in life that as a born-in you get used to and accept it for what it is. Reflecting back, I've never envied non-JW kids when they recieved attention or gifts for the holidays or the birthday. I've never lacked anything, but it is irritating when JWs and the WT make comments like, "we recieve gifts throughout the year." Makes you want to tell them, "stop it!"

  • innerpeace

    It doesn't matter if some kids get things year round, it's the feeling of being different from the other kids on Christmas day after they've opened their presents. No kid should have to feel like that.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    I used to say that. I didn't get shit.

  • 144001

    <<<<It doesn't matter if some kids get things year round, it's the feeling of being different from the other kids on Christmas day after they've opened their presents. No kid should have to feel like that.>>>>

    I still remember Christmas mornings, when I got to watch all the kids on my street riding around on their new bikes, etc.. Instead of presents, we got the standard line that is the subject of this thread: "JW kids are luckier than regular kids because they get gifts all year." I never figured out what "gifts" they were referring to; was it the 3 x a week brainwashing sessions? Or the "privilege" of being door to door salesmen/women for a book publishing company? Or the "gift" of five day district assemblies? etc. etc. etc.

  • eyeuse2badub

    WOW! The cliches that we JW's used to throw out there to cover over our 'real' feelings. I guess if something is repeated enough, it becomes "TRUTH". (tm) Just saying!


  • JeffT

    We were bad witnesses. We bought lots of stuff for our kids, although I think we part of a fairly "liberal" congregation. We always made a big deal of exchanging presents on our anniversary. As soon as they got old enough to figure out when it was coming up the children started getting excited, much like Christmas. It was a fun family tradition. And we always hit the after Christmas sales so that when school started up again so that our kids could say that got something new and leave it at that.

    If we'd lived somewhere else I wonder if we would have been disfellowshipped for giving our son Star Wars minitures and our daughter Strawberry Shortcake stuff.

    Stand for Pure Worship, JW's aren't the only ones who give oddball high school graduation presents. The other day I read something from a college student talking about his graduation gifts. One of the comments was "What am I supposed to do with a Cross pen desk set?"

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