The Definition of Insanity: LOYALTY TO THE GOVERNING BODY

by Terry 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TTATTelder


    Krazy Governing Body

  • eyeuse2badub

    KGB---Kickass Governing Body

  • Terry

    Amazingly, the humility and lowliness of mind of sheep has vanished as a worthy concept for the GB.

    By accretion, insidiously they've renovated themselves into an Elite of Glorious Ones.

    They speak and others must unquestioningly obey.

    Brothers and Sisters, MINDS OFF!

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Funny Terry, my husband was just saying, "I could start a blog right now using:

    "Policy Failure = G.B. failure = No H.S.= Who cares what the 8 men think now"

    I said, "Sorry dear, Terry just did it"

  • Terry

    Isn't amazing?

    Almost 8 million men, women, children actually empower those geezers with some kind of divine importance?

    They aren't important. They probably fart in their undershorts and have a fridge that stinks of spoiled food.


    They probably Fart in their Undershorts and have a fridge that stinks of spoiled food.....Terry


    I`m laughing away at the above post..This really begs the Question..

    Who`s Underwear do "YOU" Fart in?!..

    Do you Randomly Sneak into the Houses of people you`ve Never Met and Fart in their Underwear?!..

    Are they Targeted Attacks on People who have pissed you off?!..

    Do you go to Department Stores to Fart in New Underwear,then Put it Back on the Shelf?!..

     photo thsmilie_happy_251.gif

    (It`s a good Thread but,Your Post is Hillarious)

    ..........................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Terry

    Who`s Underwear do "YOU" Fart in?!..

    Do you Randomly Sneak into the Houses of people you`ve Never Met and Fart in their Underwear?!..

    Technically, if you rise up on one cheek (while seated) you create a little escape area exit around the leg opening.

    Otherwise, the shorts balloon out and contain the toxic fume. At least that's probably what Carl Sagen would have said.

    If he hadn't died, that is.

  • BackseatDevil

    I JUST posted this on Reddit: Admitting imperfection while demanding unwavering reverence is pretty much the exact opposite of humility and "stewardship"...

    It's confusing to me. Are they not gettiing this or do they need a dictionary to explain the meaning of words they throw around? You can't just excuse controlling the lives of millions of people with "we are imperfect humans" while simultaneously CONTROLLING THE LIVES OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE.

    Imagine being on a plane where the flight attendents said "In case of a crash were we all survive, we have NO clue what to do (it's our first time flying)... but do what we say anyway and everything will be okay."

    Ummm... pardon me, but F**K YOU.

    Life just doesn't work that way, nor should it. Blind reverence prevents growth, harmony, and progress.

  • JakeM2012

    They probably Fart in their Undershorts and have a fridge that stinks of spoiled food.....Terry

    I feel sorry for the new boys that work in the Bethel laundry.

  • Finkelstein

    Ask the thousands of loyal believers who were led to expect Armageddon in 1914, 1925, 1975!

    These were FAILURES. Not SUCCESSES.

    But from the perspective of the leaders of the WTS. publishing house, they were very successful from a

    marketing viewpoint.

    If you were to produce a product from out of your own imagination and you did so in mind of it being

    distributed openly to the public, wouldn't you want only the people who stood in support of that product ?

    The product in this case is literature(s), the marketing strategy is religious theology.

    You could even build training centers for these people as devoted and faithful sales representatives (Kingdom Halls)

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