by ADJUSTMENTS 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • karter

    Brother and sister Natural health remedy for everthing.

    Usualy over weight ,Allergic to everthing, anemic looking and questioanable mental health,Only east nuts out of a brown paper bag and tell everyone off for what they are eating and push their natural health remadies.


  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Of the two congos of which I was ever a member, there were only ever three types of jws, and I believe this to be true of other congos from which I knew some of the members.

    They were either fucked up, more fucked up, or well and truly fucked up.

    Cheeses. Reliving the memories.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    The single mum with no JW family and a tribe of kids who just about kills herself to get to every meeting, and everyone ignores her anyway.


    Perfect JW family...husband an elder, wife pioneers, kids are on the Theocratic School at a young age, publishers at a young age, baptized early. Used on demo's for assemblies, conventions. However wife secretly has a drinking problem and hubby jacks off to porn when everyone is asleep at night because his stuffy, sex-less wife wont put out because she can't stand him and he never gives her the big O.

    Know any families like this?

  • 3rdgen

    XBEHERE, we had that same family in one cong I was in. The Elder hubby met a woman on the internet and sold the wifes wedding ring to raise the money to meet up with her . Elder divorced wife then married internet babe. Elder gets DFed then RIed, former wife DAed, later changed her mind and got RIed. (I can't make this shi# up!). Kids totally screwed up. (big surprise!)

  • LongHairGal

    dog is god:

    You are totally correct: "..All kinds. All shapes. Most ok with the extremes on both ends of the scale. No boundaries. Hurt others with impunity...no remorse..never an acknowlegment. Just all in all a very unhealthy place to be."

    I especially agree about the "no boundaries" and "hurt others with impunity....no remorse or acknowledgment" part. I could never get over this: these fools thought they could do anything and be forgiven for it. It was bad enough thirty years ago when the congregation had mostly responsible, fairly sane people. Not so nowadays. Too many deluded people with issues who imagine everybody should tip-toe around them. They almost expect to be rewarded for their wrong-doing. But, you can thank the religion for faulty teachings which lead these people to think the way they do.

    It is indeed an unhealthy place to be and I don't miss it one bit.

  • Hortenzie

    Mostly normal people, but we had a few "professional JWs" who did everything by the book and had a permanent "kingdom" smile etched on their faces. These made me feel so empty that I would come home and cry. And some real "nuts", who were of course tolerated, because they were zealous in the ministry. That made me confused, I was always wondering if anyboy else noticed that they were off. And I tried to avoid them at all cost because I didn't know how to deal with them...

  • 144001

    Only one type: the deceived.

  • BU2B

    XBEHERE- That im sure is more common than we think. Can you imagine the mental torment they go through if they are still true believers? They go to all the meetings, service, etc but deep down know that they will never survive the big A because of their "secret sins" They are never good enough, and they feel their lives are wasted although they will never admit this verbally, they feel it everyday deep down. This in turn, feeds the alcolhol and porn addictions, because they feel it is all they have so they may as well do it anyways seeing as the end is "just around the corner". So sad. I vividly remember the feelings on inadaquacy, and never going to survive armageddon feelings even though I was fine to outside observers.

  • kaik

    I would add that you missed mass group of edged, grayed out elderly, lonely sisters. They were full in every congregation. They lacked family to climb in social ladder in the JW organization, they were sincere in their faith and honest about their beliefs. They were like gray mouses, all sad life and constantly reminded their low social status: they were overlooked for answers, they could not initiate discussion, were not invated into any social event, and hoped that Armageddon will end their misery. As I look back, I feel very sorry for these ladies. Many sacrificed their life to the organization, never married and had children, and now they are without any social support as JW organization does not care about them.

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