Do You Dine out? If so do you return unsatisfactory food?

by KateWild 37 Replies latest social entertainment

  • KateWild

    I was chatting today in the sauna, as one does if you don't go to meetings about dining out. One pleasant fellow said he would never return food, he explained it was because he is convinced the staff would do something to the food.

    Do you agree?

    Kate xx


    One pleasant fellow said he would never return food, he explained it was because

    he is convinced the staff would do something to the food......Do you agree?..


    I`ve watched my idiot BIL return bacon multiple times at the same meal,because it wasn`t the right brand..

    ("I don`t like that Bacon..Do you have another Brand of Bacon?!!")

    He just kept sending it back and they`d bring him another brand..

    Finally they were out of varities of bacon..

    He still eats there and is no less irritating to the staff..

    I`m sure they wipe the dogs ass with anything they serve him..LOL!!

    I refuse to eat with him anywhere..(Guilty by Association)



    Most restaurant staff are happy to help with a legitamite complaint..

    I have no problem sending food back,if theres a legitamite problem with my meal..

    .................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • unstopableravens

    i dont return food either, i rather eat something that taste bad, then have spit in good food

  • KateWild

    OUTLAW I agree, I worked in McD's as a student, anyone there for more that 4 weeks is managment. We had loads of legitamate returns. People were generally polite and understanding.

    This fellow was just over the top and paranoid something terrible would happen to his food, he was in his 60/70s. I would have thought he would have had more confidence.

    Kate xx

  • KateWild

    unstop, if you are polite and considerate to the waiter/ess they won't spit in your food if your return raw chicken. In most cases you'll get a profuse apology and free drinks. YOU CANT EAT RAW CHICKEN OR PORK you will get food poisoning. Kate xx

    Just don't be like OUTLAW's bil, that's asking for it! Kate xx

  • tec

    I have only worked in two restaurants, and anyone who did anything to the food that was returned would be out of a job... like on the spot. I guess i don't doubt that it happens somewhere, but not over a legitimate complaint.

    That being said, I have never sent anything back that I can recall, but i would not be afraid to do so. My mother does send things back though, all the time, and she has been a cook/baker her entire life. I am sure that she has never seen anyone do anything to the food sent back either.



  • KateWild


    Thanks for those experiences. I know that many in the catering business would agree. It's their jobs and livelyhoods, they want to serve top quality food and will do anything for return business. The last thing they want is for an unsatisfied customer to say nothing and not return. Repeat business and word of mouth make or break a business.

    Kate xx

  • blondie

    Yes I have. Baked potatoes were like rocks; the steak was only warmed over (ordered medium); found a bug in the salad, still living.

    Once ordered a pizza and it had none of the toppings we ordered. Went and picked up one once and it was stone cold.

    I never blame the server for badly prepared food.

  • KateWild

    I never blame the server for badly prepared food.-blondie

    Goodpoint, and even the cook might be new, or short staffed. But that doesn't mean we sould pay for something inedible. Kate xx

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I send things back very rarely. A friend drove me crazy one day. She kept changing her beverage order.

    It depends on the quality of the restaurant. Once when I was a teenager, I was served raw chicken at a nice restaurant. Being trained as a Witness, I just ate it. The waiter realized when he took the meal away. He was moritified. My mom screamed at me. I honestly thought I had to eat it to be polite. We had not dined out while my wacko JW father was alive. It reflects on the way I was raised. I did not get sick. The restaurant owner probably contacted his insurance carrier.

    When I dine out in Manhattan, people return food left and right. Sometimes an order gets mixed up. My teenage self would just eat the wrong order.

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