Yay!! I got a valuable piece of garbage

by ILoveTTATT 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • TD
    And leaving_quietly, even though having the book in PDF format is cheap, there is nothing to compare with having the actual ink-and-paper book in your hands. That way no one can say that you got the info from "apostates."


    Also, despite how worthless this stuff might seem to an xJW, there is actually a brisk collector's market for it and one can always get their money back (And then some) if they ever decide it's taking up too much space.

  • leaving_quietly

    You're right of course. The Publisher's Preface is a big deal. Paragraphs 2 and 3 show how they thought Russell was the Laodicean Messenger and faithful steward "beyond question of a doubt". The scans of the 1918 edition are at https://archive.org/details/TheFinishedMystery, in case you're interested.

    From the Publisher's Preface:

    Through St. John the Lord Jesus revealed the fact that
    the Church would be developed during seven distinct
    periods, or epochs; and that for each of these epochs
    He would have a special angel, or messenger, to
    serve the other members of the Body. It follows,
    then, that the messenger to the last, or Laodicean,
    epoch would declare the Presence of the Lord and the
    time of the Harvest of the Gospel Age. The great
    Master laid special emphasis on the importance of the
    messenger to the seventh, or Laodicean, period of the
    Church, saying that such an one would be "a faithful
    and wise servant, whom his Lord would make ruler
    over all His Household, to give them meat in due

    Those consecrated Christians who have read and
    fully appreciated the Truth as contained in the
    preceding six volumes of STUDIES IN THE
    SCRIPTURES readily see and agree that Charles
    Taze Russell was the messenger of the Church of
    Laodicea. In the mind of every one who believes the
    Bible the evidence set forth in this volume will
    establish that fact beyond the question of a doubt.

  • ILoveTTATT

    In the end it was close to 100 Canadian with shipping... It will be worth every penny if it helps get my mom out.

    I have just about the entire JW library from 1879 till now in my computer... so I know about the PDF's.

    You can't take out books from the KH library, and to read them I have to go to the meetings which I do not want to do.

    Reading them at home and having a hard copy is invaluable, IMHO.

    I got the 1917 version... Apparently with all the pages...

  • ILoveTTATT

    So I finally got it!!

    and YES!! It DOES have the offending pages intact!! =)

    I wanted the version with the wings though... I got the version with the title in a rectangle, 800,000 edition.

    I showed it to my dad and started reading it to him... he chuckled quite a bit...

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