Fallacies about Faith

by tec 340 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    I have no idea how many people lived in ancient cities compared to the cities of today. There had to be righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah. Do you believe that the drinking water was polluted with evil causing stuff. Good people exist in every society. This story exists in the OT to draw a contrast to Israel, where everyone is so righteous. It is a nationalist propaganda device. People are not bred evil. I am not very interested in the Old Testament. It is obvious that so much of the Old Testament that fundamentalists believe is a work of fiction. There is no archaelogical proof of the Exodus from Egypt. David and Solomon did not exist. Sodom and Gomorah probably are included in the list.

    How about the Philistines? When God destroys them, women are gang raped. Small children and infants are murdered. Look at a four year old child today. Is that child evil? Were all the first born sons of Egypt loathsome? There is nationalism worse than Hitler in the Old Testament.

    Israel simply could not exist without trade and commerce with its neighbors. The Bible mentions a lot of intermarriage between groups. These writings must reflect a certain elite of Israel.

    You are so invested in la la land. I refuse to worship such a God. In fact, I spit in the face of a god who would punish innocent people. It is creepy to know anyone who takes these stories at face value. I can well understand the overreaction of atheists here. You see the grooviness of Christ talking to you. Well, I would ask Christ if He approves of God's actions in the Old Testament. You evidently refuse to share what Christ tells you with this forum. One can suspect it is b/c Christ does not talk to you. People care about big issues.

    Someone should start a new thread. This one has veered off-topic, not that if ever had a chance. The opening post was poorly designed. I assume we will hear how Christ talks to you. Truth is truth. God is righteous. Facts are inconvenient for you. I believe we have a right to ask what factual evidence exists and whether God's actions are moral.

  • snare&racket

    Tec, what you are saying is nonsense.... The biggest religious movement today is Islam, not your god.... So to claim it is somehow righteous to follow your heart as it matches what god wants is ridiculous. There are muslims with more faith and dedication than you Tec, more righteous and they are 100% sincere, but they are living to different religeous standards than you. So righteous is subjective, Righteous is dependant on the god you follow! Surely you are not so closed minded to think that non christians are KNOWINGLY acting unrighteously, as defined by your god and laws!? Thats Watchtower fundamentalism 2.0 Tec! The second you accept that these people think they are doing right and acting to what they beleive is true, you cant sllow god to jusge and kill them, so you have to pretent that everyone secretly believes not only in god..... But your god! Do you not see the delusion in that!

    The people in soddom and grommorah didnt know yaweh even 'existed', neither did lot, for goodness sake Lot had sex with his daughters the day after he was saved.... But is still called righteous by the bible and YOU tec!

    Snap back to reality Tec, stop excusing horrendous evil acts! The old tec would have given in to such things as being evil, but the old tec has long been lost to delusion.

  • tec

    Tec, what you are saying is nonsense.... The biggest religious movement today is Islam, not your god.... So to claim it is somehow righteous to follow your heart as it matches what god wants is ridiculous.

    I never said it was righteous to follow your heart. What if what is in your heart is darkness? I think that most of the rest of your post is based on that assumption. Is that right?

    Abraham listened to GOD... believed and obeyed... and that was credited to him as righteousness.

    Not his personal desires... or even his own heart... but GOD.

    The people in soddom and grommorah didnt know yaweh even 'existed', neither did lot, for goodness sake Lot had sex with his daughters the day after he was saved.... But is still called righteous by the bible and YOU tec!

    Lot knew, but that is beside the point.

    Sodom and Gomorrah were not destroyed simply because they did not know the God of Abraham existed... but rather because of the cries that had gone up to God BECAUSE of the actions of that town. Because of the blood that town had spilled of others, and perhaps even the innocent among them.

    Does a person need to know God to know that raping/spilling the blood strangers that come into your town is wrong? God acted on behalf of the innocent BEING harmed and destroyed. The blood of those who had been harmed/slain cried out to Him, same as Abel's did. In the story, the two angels were sent to investigate, giving anyone the opportunity to prove their own righteousness, by doing good to those strangers. (do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so, some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it) But according to the story, it was Lot who took them in, trying to protect them. Every other man, young and old, came to do them harm, and harm Lot also for protecting them.



  • FlyingHighNow

    Wouldn't perfect mercy mean a suspended sentence for hitler? Apologies for playing the hitler card.

    I don't think mercy would mean a suspended sentence necessarily. I often think though we don't know what caused Hitler to be the way he was. For all we know, he had a brain tumor or really was a speed addict, as some claim. I'm not sure what you're trying to convey with this question.

    This post. Actually makes me hate all theists.

    Wow, that's kinda harsh and kinda extreme. Maybe you hate it when theists don't sound very rational or use critical thinking skills? Please don't judge all thiests or diests based on what fundamentalists say, because they are a minority when it comes to believers.

  • snare&racket

    How did Lot know Tec? There was no bible.... Nothing,..

  • adamah

    TEC said-

    I never said it was righteous to follow your heart. What if what is in your heart is darkness? I think that most of the rest of your post is based on that assumption. Is that right?

    Abraham listened to GOD... believed and obeyed... and that was credited to him as righteousness.

    Not his personal desires... or even his own heart... but GOD.

    Mark this moment (once again), since Adam is agreeing completely with TEC.

    Yup, that's it, in a nutshell: Abraham was declared "righteous" since he "listened, obeyed, and was blessed" by Jehovah for following his orders, and put his faith in Jehovah. EVEN WHEN God later asked him to kill his son, Isaac: Abraham followed orders and didn't stop to think of what was in his (Abraham's) heart: he was completely willing to kill his son since God asked him to do so.

    That's the problem with faith: it represents a WILLINGNESS to follow orders in the name of a higher power without stopping to ask questions, or consulting one's own heart or conscience. Why bother, since one's own human conscience is irrelevant, since believers know that the Bible says that the human heart is treacherous, and cannot be trusted anyway: that's the whole "faulty compass" thing.

    Hence why Jihadists trust in Allah, JWs trust in Jehovah's power to resurrect and die refusing blood (based on a lie), when we all KNOW there will be no do-overs, no second-chances for those lives sacrificed in the name of 'faith'.

    SNR said- The people in soddom and grommorah didnt know yaweh even 'existed', neither did lot, for goodness sake Lot had sex with his daughters the day after he was saved.... But is still called righteous by the bible and YOU tec!

    TEC Said- Lot knew, but that is beside the point.

    Yeah, Lot was the 'prodigal nephew' who unlike the prodigal son, actually never returned to 'true worship', since he turned his back on the 'family religion (YHWH worship)' that he had been raised in under his Uncle Abraham (Lot's own father had died long before while they were still in the ancestral homeland of Ur, IIRC). The Genesis account says that Abraham had publicly thanked Jehovah for the victory over the Kings (when he liberated captured Lot earlier), but the inhabitants didn't accept YHWH as their God.

    Oh, and per the Genesis account, Lot was so drunk he didn't know that his daughters snuck in to lay with him.... Two nights in a row.

    (Plus, later Mosaic law required 'two witnesses', and the daughters weren't confessing NOTHING!)

    TEC Said- Sodom and Gomorrah were not destroyed simply because they did not know the God of Abraham existed... but rather because of the cries that had gone up to God BECAUSE of the actions of that town. Because of the blood that town had spilled of others, and perhaps even the innocent among them.

    Yeah, there's plenty of extra-biblical stories and Hebrew myths that sprung up around the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, which I discuss in the blog article (link above). I suspect that the main reason behind the legends is much like how the stories of Paul Bunyan serve as a way to explain the natural appearance of America (eg the Grand Canyon is said to appear as it does today as a result of Paul Bunyan dragging his axe in the ground).

    TEC Said- Does a person need to know God to know that raping/spilling the blood strangers that come into your town is wrong? God acted on behalf of the innocent BEING harmed and destroyed. The blood of those who had been harmed/slain cried out to Him, same as Abel's did. In the story, the two angels were sent to investigate, giving anyone the opportunity to prove their own righteousness, by doing good to those strangers. (do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so, some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it) But according to the story, it was Lot who took them in, trying to protect them. Every other man, young and old, came to do them harm, and harm Lot also for protecting them.

    That's all conjecture, of course (and smacks of moral relativism), but remember that Lot and Abraham were foreigners living in a foreign land as aliens (non-citizens), where the inhabitants worshipped their own Gods and had their own customs. The story smacks of religious hegemony, since it wasn't like they had any authority to move into a foreign land and expect others to worship their Gods, and adopt their customs, etc. It would be like S. Americans who cross into the States illegally, and expect us to become Catholics, do things like they're done in Guatamala, etc, etc.

    In fact, I suspect that's likely the intent of the story of Lot in Sodom: the account was designed to stress the point that given the circumstances under which the account was written (during or after captivity in Babylon), the Jews were strangers living immersed in a foreign culture against their will, and Lot was the poster boy of a boisterous outsider who didn't exactly fly under the radar and lay low, but instead made a showy display of his strange customs and was clueless to how he fit into the surrounding culture: instead of being rewarded for his cluelessness and sticking to "true values", he was made the anti-hero who VIOLATED those same principles every chance he got. The story ends with him becoming the forefather to the enemies of the Chosen People.

    Of course, the author's intent was likely lost on the author of 2nd Peter (who wrote his epistle some 1,000 years AFTER the Genesis account was written (!), relying on the Greek Septuagint, no less....), who declared Lot to be not a heel, but a hero (AKA a righteous man) to fit into Xian theology. Of course, Lot didn't make Paul's heroes of faith list, so there's another NT contradiction (as well as the OT/NT contradiction).


  • OnTheWayOut

    Adamah discussed: EVEN WHEN God later asked him to kill his son, Isaac: Abraham followed orders and didn't stop to think of what was in his (Abraham's) heart: he was completely willing to kill his son since God asked him to do so.

    Yet when asked if they would go so far as to kill someone, all of today's theists on this board (correct me if I am wrong) say their God / Jesus /voice would never ever tell them to do such a thing. If God did it to Abraham, He could do it to youi.

    Even if I actually knew it was God / Yahweh / Jesus / Allah / Isis/ whichever Almighty One, if (S)He was testing me and asked me to kill anyone, even one deserving death, I know I would say "No way, Jose." But it puts the faithful in a trickbag to answer that, so they say God would never ask it of them.

  • FlyingHighNow

    OTWO: 1. not all theists are Christians 2: not all Chrisitans believe the Bible was written by God or that it is all truth. I took a class at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and Father Mike, a former Roman Catholic priest, now Episcopal preist said that the Bible is the history of ancient peoples and their concepts of God. Only some theists are Christian fundamentalists who believer the entire Bible to be inspired or written by God and absolute truth. Looking at the world population of theists, FCs are a small group.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Read Jehovah Unmasked, if you have done so already.

  • adamah

    FHN said-

    1. not all theists are Christians 2: not all Chrisitans believe the Bible was written by God or that it is all truth.

    Yeah, no kidding: maybe that's EXACTLY why OTWO took the extra effort to add the part in bold:

    OTWO said- yet when asked if they would go so far as to kill someone, all of today's theists on this board (correct me if I am wrong) say their God / Jesus /voice would never ever tell them to do such a thing.

    So your points are moot, since all theists on the board participating in the conversion are Xians AND they accept the account of the 'binding of Isaac' is true as written (and you and I both know that TEC is not shy about employing the 'lying scribes' defense when she feels the need to get rid of uncomfortable passages; she hasn't done so (yet?) for the 'binding of Isaac' account). They usually want to change the scenario around, or claim their God would never do that for them: they're "special", and immutable God would NEVER ask them to do the same.

    But I noticed you didn't answer the question (as OTWO did, and you know MY answer would be same, i.e. HELL NO!).

    FHN, what would YOU do if Jehovah asked you to offer your child as a sacrifice to Him: would you prove your steadfast faith by doing what God ordered and plunging the knife into his neck to sever his jugular veins and carotid arteries, or would you balk and stammer?

    Sure, you tell yourself, "It would NEVER happen to me" (which is true, since Gods don't exist, but HUMANS do, and some are willing to manipulate others by exploiting a fear of Gods). However, JW parents routinely deal with the same scenario when their children die from refusing a blood transfusion, and there's insufficient laws in their land to protect their own children from the religiously-motivated lethal madness.


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