Surrounded - Yet All Alone at the same Time

by offgrid5150 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • adamah

    Welcome aboard, and you're defo NOT '5150' (the Police code for someone needing involuntary incarceration for evaluation of mental illness)!


  • offgrid5150

    Wow that thread is so helpful! Thanks again everyone. I will be on here to vent as needed :)

  • offgrid5150

    thanks adamah, although sometimes i feel like I am, since I have to compartmentalize things and lead two mental profiles depending on where I am.

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    I hear you, that can get tricky when the two worlds meet occasionally!

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Know PRECISELY how you feel!

    Hang in there...sometimes there is joy in solitude. Imagine it is as if you are sitting at a cafe in Paris or Venice watching all the foolish tourists looking at their maps or waiting to board a gondola. They are missing out on the joy of just being where they are in life. In the immortal words of Ferris Bueller, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."


  • cofty

    Just want to say welcome offgrid.

  • Fernando

    Welcome offgrid5150.

    Our family of 4 was able to beat our addiction to the cult totally within 4 years by relentlessly pursuing the liberating, explicit and "unabridged gospel" message hidden in their own publications (most likely by Ray Franz and others like him).

    Many here will cite patience and simple thought provoking questions as the way to go with your loved ones.

    Dumping on them or telling them many facts is often the worst thing one can do.

    Going on an exploratory journey as a family is the best.

    As my wife says: "go the pace of the children".

    In this case the adults are also children.

    They have very limited capacity to explore the dark side of their idol and VISIBLE golden calf (in their lust driven state).

  • Syme

    Welcome, Offgrid. I'm new here as well, with some similar circumstances: am 30 too, and still active. So I can't give you any advice on what to do next, because I haven't done any actual step yet, apart from discussing with some very close friends, as well as my parents.

    So, I'be glad to hear your future news, as well as share mine!

    Be well!

  • rmt1

    You found oxygen by coming here (go see The Bothersome Man, 2006). The remaining needs of life are water, clothing, shelter, etc.

    Other people will load you up with water in the form of various truthful readings that are probably free on the internet, and which will help you make more out of your life, which science has so far demonstrated to be not-everlasting.

    Clothe yourself in the armor of "meh", which has a non-stick coating so that the appearance of conviction rolls off like so much rain, but the fabric itself is fortified with the camoflage of complacent unwillingness to rock the boat, and this will help you to quench the blow-hard's' fiery bloviations. Above a certain threshold, JWs are trained, drilled, trained, and drilled again to assume that a little bit of "meh" does not in fact mean "screw this!" but means "I'm kind of tired today… Just today…I'll have energy tomorrow…". It is a borg survival mechanism to ensure that all rank and file believe those around them are on board (when that may not be the case) and to only disbelieve that a particular one is not on board when that individual's degree of recalcitrant rocking the boat becomes un-ignorable, at which point they undergo a diametric phase change (see Invasion of the Body Snatchers). Rocking the boat is >>>THE<<< unforgivable sin. All other sins will be reviewed.

    For shelter while you are deep in enemy territory, take up a hobby that can get you to a safe mental place. The hobby has to have a red cross on top so the Luftwaffe doesn't bomb on it. Doesn't matter what it is, find a way to carve out time for your own cerebrum, cerebellum, hypocanthus, hand-eye coordination, and whole body movement. It is a medical imperative to get time away from the damage.

  • offgrid5150

    I appreciate all the kind words everyone. I am planning the drawn out approach with my family. However, I will not do this forever :) Don't plan on wasting the rest of my life.

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