The Gall Of WT To Give This Advice To Pioneers:

by JW GoneBad 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    This past week's WT study lesson was entitled: 'Pioneering Strengthens Our Relationship With God'.

    Under the subheading 'Remaining In The Full-Time Service' in par 14 the WT has the nerve to give this admonition to pioneers:

    'Desiring to learn from Jesus' example, a pioneer does well to keep in mind that the more material things he has, the more he will have to maintain , repair, or replace.'

    I don't think the GB or anyone in the writing department has the freedom to speak on giving adivce on the matter of 'material things' given the fact that WT has close to a billion dollars in real estate and loads of money in various bank accounts; given the fact that GB is currently building themselves new living quarters with who knows what sort of comforts and other amenities.

    And then to make reference to Jesus' simple life style and tell others that they should keep their life simple and less complicated in imitation of Jesus!

    This article is the eptiome of hypocrisy!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    One has to keep in mind that the GB, while serving as GB are still considered Pioneers themselves and yet to think of the amount of material assets that these hypocrites possess and then to give out this advice!

  • prologos

    Jesus, so the story goes, gave 10% of his time,

    "PIONEERED" for a pre-KNOWN 3+1/2 years, fixed term- not overlapping generations, , was amply supported. so

    GB: do not lecture your slaves.

  • jwfacts

    close to a billion dollars in real estate

    Actually, they have billions of dollars in real estate. There was around 1 billion dollars worth of property in Brooklyn alone.


    The Eldub who gave the WT summary used the poor Latino couple in the pics as an example. He said, " This is what life was supposed to be. Adam did not head off to a factory every day. They spent every day together..." Then he blubbered on about how much he loves pioneering with his wife. He said it was the greatest gift that God gave him. So pioneering with your mate is what God created you for, I guess..


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    'Actually, they have billions of dollars in real estate.'

    Thank you jwfacts. That just enhances and heightens the GB's level of hypocrisy!

    To think that Jesus had no where to lay down his head (Luke 9:58)! Wouldn't surprise me if the GB sleep with a high end double-down pillow!

  • Brother Mike
    Brother Mike

    I don't think you jwgonebad understand the meaning of the paragraph.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    jwfacts already corrected me on a major detail (billions and not a billion) which I appreciate.

    So go ahead Brother Mike what part of that paragraph's meaning did I not understand!

  • steve2

    The GB continually strive harder and harder to adhere to the number one rule of religious rulership: "Do as we say not as we do".

  • Brother Mike
    Brother Mike

    First off, please remain calm. The society uses all of their properties to further the teaching of God, let many pioneers live their rent free, they utilize many of their properties to print lititure and give them to millions for free worldwide. They don't just sit there on their asses smoking crack and bull shitting around squadering their money and keep it for themselves, they use it to further spreading GODs word.

    what they said in the paragraph is that for many to pioneer they need to simplify their lives so they don't have to spend their time worrying about someone being their to watch their 50" tv; instead they should be out preaching the word.

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