JW morale reaching new low

by kneehighmiah 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff

    Morale is low for a lot of reasons, but mostly, because this is an "end time" cult that always has to explain why they are never out of time. You can't keep changing your big foundational teachings like "the generation" teaching and not expect it to raise some internal eye ball rolling at the least.

    Also, the GB continues to be naive about the role of the internet in their current malaise. While they have adapted pretty well to it for their own devices, (they had no choice) the other end of that stick is, it does give their flock tacit permission to look at what others are saying and what evidence is out there against the Borg. (all on your smartphone of choice, except for Blackberry users)

    So who cares if they don't leave. When you read about the Conti case, 20k+ pedophiles, emotional and spiritual abuse from real people, of course it's going to make your morale low.

  • konceptual99

    Morale must be outrageously low - SBPW has joined the dark side it would appear!

    Some great posts...

  • kneehighmiah

    Low morale is one of the reasons I finally decided to post here. I was being beaten down by the endless time contraints and rules. Pointless extra elders and MS meetings in addition to the mid week meetings that I show up to dog tired. I cut back on "secular things" like entertainment expecting to feel refreshed. I only felt more empty. I wondered how I used to even have energy another mid week meeting. Why does a week of "special activity" and encouragement mean more draining meetings? There's also the guilt trip you go through for missing a meeting or service. You need to almost provide a doctors note.Your expected to go out on holidays too, even if it's your only day off. Morale is drained when you feel under constant scrutiny from men. Some elders will even go tattle to the CO if they think you need to be doing something better instead of just talking with you. Ever since I stopped caring about these man made rules I've felt 100% better. I go for now to keep the peace, but my outlook is no longer grim or guilt filled. My mind is free.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    You can only take so much. People are tired. They hear about preachers like this Joel Osteen and others who may not speak much about the Bible, but their congregations are thriving and happy. They preach a message of grace and blessing. People walk out of their services feeling inspired and ready to face the world. True, they may not get you closer to God in the WT sense, but when people feel they are blessed they attribute it to someone!

    Most JW's are burnt-out, plain and simple. They are tired of the monotony. The constant, "you have to do more" "you need to look at your circumstances" the constant drivel about how we are "right around the corner." The meetings are a constant rehash of last week, last month, last year. The majority of the elders just go through the motions. Many of them know that they will NEVER be used in CA or DA parts and lose all interest in improving their ability or trying to liven up their parts.

    With the constant move toward multi-media, in time, you will not be able to maintain the interest of the young people. Their attention spans are declining toward pen and paper, audible stimulation alone is not sufficient. This, in turn, will bring the morale further down and parents see their kids simply zoning out or using their JW.org equipped iPads used to do homework or watch YouTube videos, even play games.

    In the immortal words of my grandfather, "Mark my words"


  • daringhart13

    Can someone share where/when this next Watchtower article is? does is mention Generations? I would like to read it....thank you!

  • cofty

    Ever since I stopped caring about these man made rules I've felt 100% better - kneehighmiah

    Isn't it amazing that a simple change of mindset can radically change your life?

    "We played along with our own oppression..."

  • skeeter1

    Back in the 1980s when I was invovled with the JWs, meeting attendance was high percentage. At all 3 meetings, almost everyone was there. I'd say it was 95 to almost 100% of the normal crowd each & every time. Those missing would be legitimately sick, and return at the next meeting. Every publisher kept a minimum of 10 hours a month preaching work. I don't remember what the pioneer hours were, perhaps 60+ hours. This was after 1975, and those who were there really did believe in the Generation of 1914 would not pass away. AIDS was proof of Jehovah starting His destruction of the wicked, and that was what the ever Truthful Truth taught.

    The issue is that the masses are losing faith in the Governing Body. After all, the GB has said it was the direct channell of Jehovah God and demanded absolute allegiance to it through a followers often big and little life choices. The GB always spoke the Truth. But, like a patient wary of a doctor who continuously changed his diagnosis, the rank and file are becoming wary of the GB as holding the absolute Truth that must be obeyed.

    The Governing Body is losing control. What will it do next? Some religions, to keep the masses (and money) have to become more lenient and mainstream. The Catholics are a prime example. Others (cults), accepted the loss of many followers but continued onwards with keeping their narrow, strict interpretation. These cults will often blaming those who left for being unfaithful, and "reward" those who faithfully stayed as being superior. Then, these exclusionary cults will get wackier. I am thinking of the Hale Bob/Heaven's Gate group. As their predictions didn't come true, the leader demanded the men cut off their testacles and then, later, commit suicide. Jim Jones moved the faithful few to Jonestown and indoctrinated them hard and fast against outsiders. Which way will the JWs go? It depends on which way the GB goes.

  • JakeM2012

    SOP said, "You can only take so much. People are tired. They hear about preachers like this Joel Osteen and others who may not speak much about the Bible, but their congregations are thriving and happy."

    I agree, I talked with my sister who is still active and aging and she mentioned that apathy is a major problem in the congregations. People going through the motions, elders not wanting to appoint ones who show them up in meeting attendance, field service, etc.

    I am reading Joel Osteens latest book "Breaking Out" (don't ask me why) and when he does talk about the scriptures it is with a different spin than the WTBTS. It is all in a very positive way, it's encouraging, and makes you think that God wants you to be successful beyond your expectations as opposed to find contentment in washing windows or shinning floors at night.

    Olsteen repeated mentioned in his book that perhaps your not expecting enough from the God of the Universe. How Jehovah, (and he used Jehovah) blessed the Israelites with abundance beyond their expectations, like when they wanted meat and he had quail come in for three days journey each way. How not to concentrate on the size of the problem, (like with David and Goliath).

    "God used a simple slingshot to thrust David to a new level of his destiny. My question for you is this: Are you overlooking something small, something ordinary, that God has given you? Are you sitting back thinking, "I don't have the talent, the education. I don't know the right people.? You have exactly what you need. It may seem small, but when you take these steps of faith God will do for you what he did for David? He'll breathe on your life and what was ordinary will become extraordinary".

    Anyway, short of giving an endorsement for the book, I found it refreshing for someone to use the same scriptures that WTBTS has used to beat us into submission with fear and guilt but to have a positive outlook on the examples in the scriptures as to why Jehovah wants you to personally be successful, and as he emphasizes, beyond your expectations.

  • NeverKnew


    You may be one of very few here who would understand my need to go to church after indulging my friends by visiting their KH. Church becomes therapy on those mornings.

    I think of all those hours my friends spend knocking on doors hoping to get a piece of an ankle to drag to the KH. Meanwhile, people are entering the church's doors in droves, not because someone knocked on their door on a Saturday morning, but because of the warm, sincere, friendly and happy spirit felt throughout the sanctuary and buildings.

    It kills me to think of the wasted time and energy.

  • DeWandelaar

    Well... even more bizare about the flood theory and the sudden explosion of human beings within 120 years I have also always wondered how the hell the aborigals came to australia... I mean... that is a shitty end to swim! ... or what about some tribes in africa who do not even have a language... it just does not make sense at all

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