abortion vs holocaust

by unstopableravens 692 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    This depth of dishonesty is astonishing.

  • bohm

    unstop: it does not suit you to compare others to nazis, then whine about how your oppinions is not given the respect and attention you feel they need. by the way, from my perspective you are OT with your holocaust crap and your insistence aborting something thats not a baby is killing a baby.

  • caliber

    and how many felt that they wanted to kill a baby? How many in WW2 ... wanted most to kill Nazi's ?

  • cofty

    Unstop - Letting the fetus die is NOT an option. If the mother's life is to be saved the surgeon MUST terminate the life of the fetus and remove it.

    The alternative is to watch mother die.

    Stop being a moral coward and give a clear answer.

  • bohm

    Unstop: bohm: another comment twisted by you, theres a differance between not saving the baby and purposly killing it.


    theres also a difference between taco bell and kfc. Neither is relevant.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    > How many in WW2 ... wanted most to kill Nazi's ?

    not sure... people like ernest hemingway for example... what's the point?

    > what is your answer to my kidnapping question?

    what kidnapping question? what is your answer to " so you're fine with abortion as long as the purpose isn't to kill the unborn"?

  • fakesmile

    unstop, why do you feel it is your place to force your opinion on others. no one is trying to convince you to have an abortion. never have i seen "pro- choicers" picketing a maternaty ward.

  • bohm

    Fakesmile: A few pages back, unstop made comments to the effect we are part of the holocaust, only we are to stupid to know it. thats his view on you and why you are wrong.

  • fakesmile

    @ bohm, but it is the poor christans who are being persecuted. wow, we are stupid and inconsiderate.

  • jgnat

    caliber: Shouldn't potential , natural development mean anything ? Potential stages are started

    Sure. Which is why this is such a weighty subject. A potential life is lost, just as spilled semen is potential lost, but it is not the same as a life lost. I once had my garden vandalized in July. I was furious because of the time, labour, and attention I had attached to my garden, and all of that was lost. A trampled row in the spring I could have recovered from more quickly.

    To correct your analogy, it's not a stranger trampling the mother's garden. The mother is deciding to re-seed at another time.

    mrhome: Does everyone agree that the two questions which need to be answered are (1) "When does life begin?" and (2) "Under what circumstances are we justified in ending a life?"

    That would be great.

    unstopableravens, I responded to your kidnapping analogy.

    I asked you why the measures you propose (level red legislation, re-education, shame), when implemented in the sample states I provided, have had the opposite effect? I've also hinted at what does work, in the nations with the lowest teen pregnancy and teen abortion rates. None of them have red-level legislation.

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