Things I'm looking forward to once I leave

by Leander 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheStar

    What an encouraging thread! Thanks Leander for posting some of my own thoughts and feeling. And thanks all for your encouragement and insight. I think I'll just have to get my rear in gear and get myself back in school soon too!

  • safe4kids

    Hey Leander

    Go for it! I was raised a dub and started college at age 32 or thereabouts. I'm a single mom so I'm doing it the slow way but I have one year to go until I get my BA. For the most part, I've enjoyed the experience although I'm starting to get a little burned out (I'm 36 now )

    But despite some missed opportunites and lost years
    I try not to look at the past as "lost years"; everything that I've gone through has taught me some pretty good life lessons. It's been said that some of life's most painful times are the best learning opportunities. I don't know if I agree with that completely, but I don't spend time regretting the past. Take what you know and build on it. Good luck!


  • MarchOn

    Good for you Leander!! There is soooo much to see and do, you will feel like you just came out of a coma. Good luck.

  • astroboy

    Overall I thoroughly enjoy my freedom from the Org (about 7 years now) the years went by, surprisingly my mental state of being seems to have gotten a lot better.

    Looking back on the things I use to believe I found it incredible I believe in such things...almost childlike silliness.

    I have a problem with depression, but I swear, my years in "the truth?!?!" definately made dealing with it MUCH WORSE!!

    A few months back got laided off (am working now) and I thought for sure depression would kick me in the butt (especially without the kind/loving support of the friends..NOT!)..althou not a joyous time (5 months) looking back I was suprised (especially my wife) how well I helded up. the ups and downs of life??

    anyhow I never once missed those long boring meetings, and I'm very glad and grateful to be free from that organization!

  • 144thousand_and_one

    If I was just leaving, the thing I'd probably look forward to most would be premarital sex!

  • MoeJoJoJo

    Go for it Leander!! I know getting a college education would be something you would never regret.

    I have also been thinking about college. I'm soon to be 32.

    (or anyone else who's been to college or is now attending) would you mind filling me in on the college schedule? I mean, how many hours a week do you spend at college?
    What I am asking is how many hours are needed to get a degree? What is considered full-time?
    Do you take one or two classes a day or do you go all day? Are there evening classes?

    I have no clue, so any help would be appreciated.

    I would have to arrange college around my life, with kids it has to be that way.

  • Elsewhere
    Don't tell me you became perfect after you went to college? The bethel boys don't think so.

    Fredhall makes a VERY good point here. If you are currently or planning on going to college, STOP! It won't do ANY good! Instead, get a job cleaning office buildings at night and during the day try to get people to read these [rustling around in a bag] books and magazines. [8>]

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • safe4kids

    Hey MoeJo,

    I started out at a community college and only took three classes the first semester, just to get my feet wet. I had to take 60 hours of classes to get an AA degree. I graduated from there last May and transferred to a University, where I'm currently halfway through obtaining my BA (another 60 hours). Yes, there are night classes offered, and many working parents take that route. Occasionally, there are also weekend classes offered through community colleges. You can be dually enrolled at both a university and a community college and earn credits towards your degree. I know it can seem rather daunting; if you'd like, feel free to email me with any questions you have and I'll do my best to answer them. You might also contact a community college in your area and make an appointment to talk to a counselor, who will be able to give you more info.

    Currently, I have been going to classes three days a week but that will change in the fall and I'll be attending at least 4 days each week. I arranged my schedule so that I don't leave until my kids are off to school and I'm home in the afternoons before they return, but then I'm fortunate in that I currently don't have to hold down a job as well.

    Hope this helps,


  • MoeJoJoJo

    Thanks Dana! That info helped.
    I emailed ya'

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