Things I'm looking forward to once I leave

by Leander 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leander

    For the first time in a long time I actually have something to look forward to. Knowing that I no longer will be under the constraints of a oppresive religion has done a lot for me. (and I have'nt left yet)

    I've always wanted to go to college just to be able to enjoy learning about various subjects. In fact I'm very resentful of the fact that I could have been much futher thant where I am right now if I had went to school. When I was in high school I was offered a scholarship to study commercial arts. I also had the opportunity to go to medical school for free. When I was in school I lived next door to a doctor who had a son who died, I guess him and his wife took a liking to me and they offered to pay for medical schooling if that was my inclination. Well as you can imagine I turned it down because of the wonderful JW faith, needless to say that decision haunts even till today.

    But despite some missed opportunites and lost years I'm looking ahead to the future. I'm really excited about the prospect of meeting new people and experiencing things that I've been taught to avoid for most of my life. I plan on learning how to play a few instruments, I'm considering taking up a few courses at a local university and even though I prefer the clean shaven look I plan on growing a beard just because I finally can now.

    I guess this post is basically fluff, but I just felt like sharing my mood today.

    What about you guys, how has life been for you since the escape from the watchtower?

  • AlanF

    If you can manage it and you think it's up your alley, go to college! I did at age 27 and it was the best thing I ever did!

    Life after the JWs is great! No more rigid schedules set by unimaginative men who like their meals at precisely the same time every day and who get fussy over irregularities. No more having to suppress one's imagination and ideas in favor of uniformity. No more having to stifle one's disgust at nonsense spewed in the name of God. Plenty more "no mores" but you get the idea.


  • Francois

    Too late for you to look up that doctor and his wife who were going to put you through med school?

    If not, I recommend opthamology!


  • blindfool

    College would be a great idea.
    How about political discussions, voting, community involvement, boy scouts, good debate with people you respect, about different beliefs.

    How about attending a church where the congregation really gets into the service, lots of AMEN Brother's! and soulful spritual music!

  • Sargon

    Don't forget the kegs of beer and toga parties. Thats the best part of college (and leaving the org too)!!!

    Imagination is more important than Knowledge. Albert Einstein

  • BluesBrother

    You 're going to be a busy boy, just a few musical instruments?

    Good luck

  • gem

    What I enjoyed (and found surprising!) after leaving the WT was the sense of FREEDOM!

    But despite some missed opportunites and lost years I'm looking ahead to the future. I'm really excited about the prospect of meeting new people and experiencing things that I've been taught to avoid for most of my life. I plan on learning how to play a few instruments, I'm considering taking up a few courses at a local university and even though I prefer the clean shaven look I plan on growing a beard just because I finally can now.

    Exactly! Nothing unusual, but you couldn't really do them in the WT (not if you wanted to be accepted.) Finally, you can go out and do what you want without feeling guilty. Enjoy!

    More than any time in history, mankind now faces a crossroads. One
    path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total
    extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly.
    -- Woody Allen

  • Fredhall


    Don't tell me you became perfect after you went to college? The bethel boys don't think so.

  • 4horsemen


    Go for it!

    The Time of Troubles for me (read as conflict between JW world and the real world) was 17-22. The college years. Dont fall into the JW time trap mindset in the real world. By that I mean dont say well, I am 29, 39, too late for college. Wrong! That's all or nothing thinking, modus operandi of the Borg. The only thing that makes college more awkward after 25+ is that you have more life responsibilites. If you can manage it and are willing to sacrifice (summer school, winter session) you can easily get your degree within 4 years. If it a means to an end (job thing)remember that only around 23% of working age population in USA has college degree. Congratulations, you'll have one in your 30's or 40's and 77% of your age group will not. Still lots of time for it to be "practical".

    If college is for you, for the experience and joy of learning, even better. Age is irrelevant. In any case in 4 years, without question you'll be 4 years older. What you do with those 4 years can influence the rest of your life. Best wishes.

  • singsongboi

    good luck leander....

    hey! i'm a lot older than you (i think), but still got in one year (certificate course) of full time study... the mental pleasure was enormous.. (found out i should have been an academic)

    and in 3 1/2 years i want to start a degree course, will not be much use to me work wise, but i want to do it!!!! and maybe do a masters... (stop me getting alzeimers!!!)

    the brooding, dark grey walls of the "new jerusalem" , shut out the view of so many things..

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