Heavenly hope?

by DS211 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DS211

    Ok i read this today and since i never can see what others think of it id like to get some feedback. Its frkm anointedjw.org

    “ After reading your whole site I came to a decision. I will stick even closer to Jehovah and his organization. Thanks for your answers in the past. I was resuming the story about Korah very properly and meditating about it in prayer. I have the earthly hope, that's my desire. Why should it be such a difficult task for Jehovah to help us to transform the earth into a paradise? A power that is beyond every imagination? The creator can't help us restoring the earth into a paradise? That's not the God I believe in. Yes we can! And Jehovah will help us to accomplish this task. May his name be glorified for ever.
    “I don't regret it to visit your homepage. I'm determined to strengthen my brothers and sisters more than ever to be careful. And yes, I have been reading the [July 15, 2013 Watchtower] for at least 5 times. It makes to me more sense than your explanations. If I should be an anointed too, why didn't I have the feeling that I'm one? Do I have a shortness of Faith? I don't think so.
    “Please answer my question. Why do I don't have the feeling to be an anointed one? Feel free to answer this publicly .”

    To the author, thank you for your emails. They are quite informative and even instructive. We normally would not publish our response to these types of emails because what needs to be said is rather personal. However, since you wish our response to be made public, we will acquiesce.

    Our dear brother, you do not believe you are anointed because the organization has told you that you are not. And you choose to listen to men than to the Christ. We know this is true because if the organization published in next month’s Watchtower that all baptized Witnesses are sons of God, you would gladly validate it in your mind, without any special or unique spiritual manifestation, just as you do every time they come out with ‘new light’ or a ‘new understanding,’
    no matter how much it deviates from the prior understanding.

    What you have done, by your own admission before Jehovah and his mighty angels, is to declare that you choose not to accept Jesus’ offer of sonship. ( John 1:12 ) You choose not to eat and drink of the Christ. (John 6:53 ) You choose not to be a part of the Christian congregation which is the body of Christ. ( Colossians 1:24 ) You refuse to be transferred into the kingdom of the son of his love. ( Colossians 1:13 ) You refuse to accept the heavenly abodes he has prepared for you. (John 14:2-3 ) And you choose loyalty to men rather than loyalty to the Christ. ( Matthew 10:37-39 )

    Your decision to cling to men, an earthly organization and the ‘old wine,’ is sadly taken note of in the entire watchful universe. This sad response is what the angels had to watch when the nation of Israel rejected the Jesus’ offer of sonship with God in the first century.

    That being said, we wish you as much peace as you can achieve in the remaining years of your life, and we will continue to hold out hope that some day the true good news of the kingdom will reach your heart.

    To our other visitors, this is an example of the minds of so many Jehovah’s Witnesses who have been taught repeatedly to reject the heavenly hope. How much better and wiser it would have been for this brother to at least be open to the possibility that the Father may have something greater in store for him. As it stands, he has rejected the Father’s foreordained purpose to adopt him as a son. ( Ephesians 1:3-5) And he has rejected the entire message of Christ Jesus. This is very sobering.

    To all those who are not yet sure of your sonship and your heavenly hope, do not give up praying and asking for guidance in this matter. Remember this admonition of the Apostle Paul:

    “Brothers, I do not yet consider myself as having taken hold of it; but one thing is certain: Forgetting the things behind and stretching forward to the things ahead, I am pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God by means of Christ Jesus. Therefore, let those of us who are mature be of this mental attitude,and if you are mentally inclined otherwise in any respect, God will reveal the above attitude to you .” – Philippians 3:13-15

    Keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking and it will be given to you. ( Matthew 7:7-8 ) "

  • Comatose

    They sound sincere, I don't know if they are or not. But, about a year ago I read on here that the leader/founder was kind of a head case.

    In any event, most sincere JWs would never read their stuff or give credence to it. Just my two cents.

  • Crazyguy

    I'm not sure what your question is but in Revelation the great crowd is standing before the throne in the inner sactuary 'Naos", In greek, I believe is the right spelling. The JW's have said that the word Naos can also apply to the rest of the temple and thats why the great crowd is not in heaven, but there references are bogus. In one reference using the word naos Jesus was refuring to himself as the temple. In another where Judas threw the money it can be argued that yes he did throw the money into the inner temple because the highpriest which are in the inner temple discuss the money. The other 2 or 3 references they use sight a different greek word altogether, which does mean or include the whole temple complex.

    Both the great crowd and the 144k are depicted in heaven, whether or not this means man will stay in heaven is unclear since later in revelation it speaks of Zion coming down i believe and a new heavens and a new earth. First century christians had a heavenly hope and more important to what was posted on their wedsite is that they all were considered anointed Gal. 3:25-27. Romans talks of there being no distiction and Acts says that god shows no favortism. No classes no sects no cast systems just all in christ so yes all anointed. Just one other piont if you have not done the research yet, the resident expert on this site as well as a couple of other learned men have said that they believe that the 144K represent righteous christians alive at the time of the end before all hell breaks loose and the great crowd represent all dead christians. It makes sense when you read Revelations chapters 5 through chapter 7 and knowing that John is in heaven in his vision and in the NT these are the only two righteous groups paul ever talks about.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    The persons who are producing their own version of the heavenly hope at ANOINTEDJW.ORG are simply using corruptly translated scriptures from the NWT to back up what they claim - just as Brooklyn does!

    "I am pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God" - Phil. 3:13-15. Check out the original Greek word used, and its meaning. Paul was referring to the call COMING from heaven, (to accept Christ's atoning sacrifice) he was not telling Christians that their future hope was in heaven!!

    Scriptural reasoning and logic exposes the fallacy:

    The Org, and no doubt ANOINTEDJW.ORG, will both agree 100% with 1 John 2:2 which describes Jesus' sacrifice as 'propitiatory' or 'equivalency, covering'. Or as Matthew 20:28 describes it, 'a ransom'. It "balanced the scales of justice". g 00 12/8 p. 19

    Did it? How balanced can the scales of justice be with countless thousands of humans who die, gaining something which Adam NEVER lost for them? I think the scales have suddenly become severely Un-balanced!

    Don't trust the NWT, AJW.ORG - it's leading you up a dead end!!

  • DS211

    Then , Searcher, what would you suggest. Purelyfor. Those on JWN who perhaps look to anointedjw.org for help? I dont put full stock in what any man says uness i can verify it for myself. But im just curious as to your suggestion.

    thanks for your posts guys

  • Gayle

    Even among the WT 'heavenly' partakers, there's a lot of confusion in WT history as noted by poster "The Oracle": http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/136010/2/Memorial-Partaker-totals-for-72-years-by-request

    In 1961, (those of us that were around then, were just kids, observing by far most partakers were already 'old' - 13,911) Likely, all would have died by now. Yet, since the WT has only stated that 'new' partakers are only 'replacement' partakers who have 'fallen' to apostasy, etc. Comical, that that is about the number of partakers this year!!! Did all the 1961 partakers get 'replaced?'

  • Ucantnome

    i think there is only one hope

  • Ding

    Are the anointedjw folks really JWs?

    They say that the GB is wrong with regard to the earthly hope teaching, which is a major teaching of the WTS.

    That means they don't believe the GB speaks for God.

    Given that, why are they still JWs?

    Would the GB consider them to be JWs or apostates?

  • DS211

    Ding--in the sense that they were still going to meetings they were JWs. But no not at heart. Theyre attempting a great "apostacy" within the org.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    DS211 - I'm simply stating the conclusion I've reached by reasoning on the scriptural evidence as revealed in the original Greek.

    Even the Kingdom Interlinear says at Rev. 5:10 that the 'rulers' will be ON the earth, not OVER it as portrayed in the NWT.

    The two hopes, therefore two CLASSES of Christians as taught by the Org only creates a hierarchy with control - something which was anti-Christ = "You are all brothers".

    If I'm wrong because of my lack of intellect in interpreting or understanding Scripture, I trust that I will not be adversely judged because of it.

    The Biblical evidence, the Greek words used to support a doctrine, and my powers of reason, all persuade me that "ONE body there is, and ONE spirit, even as YOU were called in the one hope to which YOU were called; ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE baptism; ONE God and Father of all [persons]....." (Eph. 4:4-6)

    In contrast, the WTBTS teaches that most Christians are no part of the body, the spirit only comes upon them at baptism, and there are two baptisms - one for them and a different one for the lowly ones. And Christ doesn't mediate for anyone but them!!

    Reasons enough not to trust their seriously inaccurate NWT????????????

    In a nutshell, the ransom bought back what was thrown away, nothing more! I think it was in the Garden of Eden that the suggestion to be like God was first put to humans. The old lies are the best!

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