Were you a virgin on your wedding night?

by montag 61 Replies latest social relationships

  • RR

    lol .... Connie, my wife did the same thing! And when she came out, she was in pajamas, robe, everything. lol

  • Latte

    I was in the gorgeous nightie my new hubby had just bought me, it's in the house somewhere.....looks like new! (worn for about two seconds...lol lol)
    Even after we were married, it still felt wrong to be on our own. How's that for a guilty, uneccesary load!


  • sunscapes

    Does someone stroking you until you cum in your bathing suit count?

    Thought not.

  • rmayer32

    Made it to 17 before getting it on with a worldly girl. Course a year later I left the WTS anyway.


  • SYN

    ConnieLynn: HEHE!
    Lady Lee: (((((HUG)))))

    "Until they become conscious, they will never rebel. Until they rebel, they will never become conscious." - George Orwell

  • GentlyFeral

    Yes -- despite the fact that I grew up in Berkeley CA in a liberal agnostic household. Was a natural prude in those days.

    In fact, being a jaydub gave me a perfect excuse for rejecting sexual advances -- I hadn't figured out that "No, I just don't want to" was enough.


  • butalbee

    Okay--does sucking toes count?

  • KenUK

    Hey Sunscapes...

    Was that before, during or after the baptism....:-)

  • saltiest

    Considering I have a five month old daughter and I'm not married, you can pretty much bet I won't be a virgin when I do get married. Not that it matters with this guy, lol.

    I may have been "raised in the truth" but that doesn't mean I believed it or actually did what I was taught. All those YPA questions about staying pure, and "holding out for Jehovah" just made me laugh. Not have sex? What where they thinking?! (I did wait until I was 17, not bad for those my age)

  • Farkel

    : Were you a virgin on your wedding night?

    Yes. And I was a virgin AFTER my wedding night. She was so nervous she just dried up.....well, you know. I tried "jaws-of life",acetelyne welders, blasting caps and everything, but the wedding night was a failure. Me? Heck, I was 19 years old. We're talking "rock maple" woodies at that age. The kind that snapped to attention in a 2 mph breeze. I had maybe one pint of blood left in the rest of my body in that condition and still, I could have run a marathon.

    Well, she was a little more relaxed the next day, and the next hour after that, and that next hour after that, and....well, you know how honeymoons are with 19 year-old-virgin-Newlyweds.


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