If I was out I'd...

by OneDayillBeFree 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • OneDayillBeFree

    What kinds of things would you like to do if you were out of the organization? And if you're already out and free, what kinds of things did you do that you really wanted to do but couldn't because it was against JW beleiefs?

    Recently, I overheard some of the younger crowd of JW's after a meeting talking about how they wished they could have this or do that, get tattoos, play the newest video games (you know, the ones with all the violence and realistic 'kickass' graphics and such), grow out their beards for 'No Shave November" wear miniskirts and dye their hair crazy colours... etc. Eventually they all just laughed it off and one of them said, "yes, but remember those are all things satan uses to try and take us away from god's organization!".

    I think that once I leave I'll let my hair grow out (on my head), I'll get a tattoo symbolizing my freedom from the org, and I'll try to start a band. I'd celebrate all kinds of celebrations and festivities, and when I mean celebrate, I mean go all out! I'd also probably grow my beard out, maybe once, for shits and giggles. Also do whatever I'd want. Whenever.

    What about you?

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I grew out my beard as one of the first things, then I went out on real dates with interesting people. I also got better educated, enjoyed myself, got many real friends, went out to bars, shows and events. I grew out my hair and now it's short on the sides and long on top, modern and edgy. I did some modelling last year for an adult show.

    I am now considering dermal implants but I work in high-energy physics which may or may not be incompatible.

  • whathappened

    I voted, joined a skeptics meet up, started dating, watched a lot of r rated movies and am celebrating birthdays and holidays. I love it.

  • stillin

    as a side note, let me inject this thought: tattoos and implants aren't an expression of freedom. They are a symbol of being a follower. Then you're stuck with your brand for the rest of your life.

    Why try to re-invent the wheel? Your body is just fine. The real freedom is between your ears.

  • Hortenzie

    I'm wearing a small cross, not as a symbol of faith but as a political statement; I'm celebrating the holidays and love it; and I will vote (for the first time ever) in our municipal election (I live in Toronto and hate the current mayor's guts)...

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Watch Lord of the Rings, have birthdays with family, spend time doing art and watching Futurama instead of stupid meetings, sleep in on Saturday mornings- nothing that marks me as a wicked, depraved worldly person.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Oh yes and my husband grew a beard and started playing kick ass video games when he left.

  • daringhart13

    Wow...oneday.....its brutal to think you would waste one more day wondering.....and just exit that crazy organization and start living!


    I`d go down this 17 story water slide..and..

    When my Ass Hit the Water at 120MPH..


    Water would Shoot out of my Eye Balls!..


    ................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • ohnightdivine

    ... probably resort to drinking and smoking to cope with my loneliness. Said my Bible study conductor.

    I'd say I'd start meeting new people and guys included, to start my love life for the first time.

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