Anyone else fake it?

by braincleaned 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • anonymouz

    Like the ministry of the apostles, JWs were slowly subverted, so I did not even in retrospect fake it, because I know God and Christ are very real persons, and a liar relgion does not make their truth found in the Bible untrue.

    What I see is a spiritual criminal network at Bethel in plain but deceptive operation that now has everyone feeling all JW truth from 1914 forward, and even IBSA insights leading to JWs in 1931, is also now also all a big lie.

    And no doubt the organization of many claimant Christian entities like the Catholic Church and their barabric inquisition also made many feel the whole Bible was a lie, and so were the apsotles, and so is Christ.

    And whether Christendom or Bethel, it is all subversive reproach that intends to stumble a certain amount of people completely from all truth, and to distract attention away from the Bible and prophecy in the process.

    So the truth of a Bethel subversion actually validates prophecy as 2Thess2:1-4 must also have a modern and final cycle, and the subverters attempting to bury the 1926-1950 JW truth reformation movement when it did validly expose the UN development (first two manifestations) as prophecy are merely successful at now fully undermining a Christian reformation (once again), that had it merely remained in Christendom's charge form 1900 forward, would be no better or worse than JWs today, they would like Bethel be UN allies fully.

    Thus like Christendom of old, or Bethel of present times, a final clarification will have to occur as Bethel power must also go down for a final cycle and final Biblical development of say 10 years beyond the initial signals of Bethel's fall. And fall it must, because the Bible truth it subverts and reproaches does not invalidate the existence of God and Christ, or what a completed UN world government will lead to as the 3rd UN placement of 1990 (Dan11:31b), covered up by Bethel as UN NGO at the same time, must lead to the 4th UN placement of Daniel 11:42-45.

    All JWs are missing (in prophecy, JWs are missing much spiritually) is the truth that King North is the 8th King from Daniel 11:27-45, the very prophecy UN NGO Bethel now subverts as a USSR fictional interpretation meant to cover over this reality that a 4th UN placement (Dan11:42-45), a number of years from now as also full world government in complete power, will indeed trigger a sovereign final response from God and Christ and their Kingdom sovereignty. (God and Christ cannot come to confront an 8th King that is non-existent as a world sovereign at this time).

    It will have been well announced in spite of the current JW corruption, and will be marked by Bethel's downfall when it finally does come. And that downfall BEGINNING the final cycle, will be sold to all JWs as "the end of the world", but it will not be the end for anything but Bethel in the process of a world government completion cycle that will takes a decade from Bethel's hit, to full sovereign final statements of world "peace and security" and "freedom from care" as parallel 1Thess5:1-3 and Dan8:25 world government completion statements and overall recovery effect of a tribulation that must end (Matt24:29) into a full world recovery and final world government.

    And that cannot occur "any day now brothers!".


    So I hope people recall a baptismal is to God through Christ, not to humans or orgs, and not to let sinners claiming to be God's worsipers mislead, because that hypocrisy is mrely a hallmark of prophecy truth, not a reason to doubt God and Jesus Christ's existence. Bethel WILL reap what it has sown, and God will come in a big way and settle it all at one period of time with Bethel, as a signal. (Dan8:13-14). God will do this by merely giving the JW organization to the UN it serves by way of clandestine Bethel corporate takeover and financial/asset legal raid globally, for a couple years initial implosion of the JW organization worldwide. (1Pet4:17).

  • will-be-apostate

    My friend once told me his wife has been faking it since their first time. They've been married for 3 years now.

    Ok, seriusly now. I didn't. I said it loud. My grandma called me today, it was just her weekly routine to make sure his lovely grandchild loves the Big Blue Sky, beacause "we were the one who chosed Jehovah, we said here we are to do your will".

    How can they think that a 14 years old will make a decision that he will not regret years later? So evil, so insane

  • adamah

    WBA said-

    Ok, seriusly now. I didn't. I said it loud. My grandma called me today, it was just her weekly routine to make sure his lovely grandchild loves the Big Blue Sky, beacause "we were the one who chosed Jehovah, we said here we are to do your will".

    How can they think that a 14 years old will make a decision that he will not regret years later? So evil, so insane

    I suspect the answer is found in your GM: it sounds like she still thinks like a child, so for her, the decision involved no regret since she hasn't grown. Instead, she sacrificed her life, not in actually learning about reality, but accepting a life wasted by believing in a fantasy.... Sad, but ultimately you cannot be responsible for those who choose to live their lives with permanent blinders attached.

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